Cheese in the Trap (Fanfic)

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Despair had taken over Bryn. She had no hope left that she would be saved. She felt like she would have to live this horrific life for the rest of time that Youngons' sanity remained. Her legs ached where the chains were clamped.Tears welled up and spilled over. Out in the other room her captor was looking at the news and was surprised to see his face in Sketch form looking back at him. He wondered how they had found out about him. But he wasn't really worried. They could never find him here. He sipped on his beer and smiled. He would break Bryn soon. She would accept him and they would live happily ever after.
Inho stood with the detectives outside another building that had turned up nothing again. Oh Youngon older brother had come to the police station and told them his suspicions. About how he thought his brother had lost it. The brother was a contractor and had many building's repairing. So they were searching all. Now they had two more left. He was getting antsy. He felt like he had to go to Bryn immediately...
Bryn dragged herself to the bathroom. She felt so listless. After doing her business she washed her hands and suddenly she had a idea! She took the bar of soap and rubbed it onto her feet where the shackles were. She sat flat and turned her ankles to and fro and Pop!! She was free of the chains! She limped out of the room and although she was excited she tried to stay calm. She had to make a plan. Quietly she held on to the length of chain and tried to think clearly. She stripped the pillow case and filled the chain in it. She would use it as a weapon. She took the plate Youngon had brought her and she slammed it down and it shattered into pieces. The door opened immediately and he roared at her
"You bitch!!" But she jumped on him and swung the pillowcase at him. It caught him on his jaw and her stumbled backwards. She followed through and kept on hitting him until her fell to the floor...then She jumped over him and  ran. The door was unlocked and she ran out into the corridor. It was dark so she set out warily. In her panic to get away she forgot the automatic light's. As she ran her path lighted up. The roar behind her made her jump...
"Bryn get back here..."screamed Youngon. And she threw caution to the wind and flew down the corridor.
Inho stood idly by. He hoped they found a clue at this building. This was the last one and it was a huge complex. Jeong had come with him. The police had searched most of the building only one section was left. They were moving floor by floor when they heard shouting. Immediately Inho sped up. The sight that met him made him stand frozen...
Bryns headstart lessened as Youngon ran faster. Soon he was directly behind her. He reached out his hands and grabbed her hair. She screamed in pain as her hair jerked from her scalp. She turned and lashed out at him. She fought but he slapped her back and forth on her face and she's got dizzy and slumped to the floor but Youngon had gone past rage into a place nobody could find him and he straddled Bryns chest and punched her. Blood poured from her mouth but he never let up. In the dark space that slowly came for Bryn she imagined she heard Inho's voice. She thought she heard him scream....then she felt nothing and it was bliss.
Inho jumped the last few feet to where Youngon had Bryn pinned to the floor and was hitting her nonstop. He grabbed him by his collar and dragged him off her and he laid in on him. He kicked and punched him until a officer grabbed on to him and yelled...
"Enough Inho... enough...."....still he grappled to go to Youngon. But Youngon was knocked clean out.  The passing of ambulance and hospital was a blur. When they took Bryn to the operation room they had to hold back Bryan who was crying and inconsolable. His sister lying on the stretcher was something that would haunt him forever. Inho stood and paced until they came outside and told them that she was going to be fine. She just had minor contusions a concussion and a few broken ribs. But she was ok. They only got to see her a few seconds. Then the doctor shooed them out.
The morning was bright. The sunlight fell on the sleeping woman. She looked as if she had been in a major accident. Bruises lined her body and the stark white of the cast stood out. The man sleeping next to her in the chair looked worst for the wear as well. They had been through a harrowing experience. Slowly the girl woke up and Saw they guy next to her and she smiled....
Six months later...
Bryn walked up the lane to the college. She breathed in the fresh crisp air. She was sure Winter would come early. After her ordeal she had gone back home with her brother for a few weeks. Inho had followed her and there they had officially began to date. She smiled as she thought of the amount of dates they had been on and how much she cared about him. Strong hands went around her from behind. She gasped and melted into the embrace.
"Aren't you beautiful this morning my love.."Inho whispered in her ear.
"Hmmm in a good mood are we??"she teased.
He turned her around and brushed her hair back.
"When I have the woman of my dreams in my arms how could I not, I love you Bryn Lee,you are my one and only." Tears filled her eyes and she hugged him back. It was the first time he had said the words out loud. She was touched. They stood in the middle of the road. Life was good.
The End..🙏❤️

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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