jim Chapman Youtuber

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  I know his dating tanya but im doing them for fun so yeah thanks over and out ~leah

Imagine telling everyone that you and jim are getting married and jim going on Twitter to calm all the haters

Imagine him Tweeting you @y/tn thanks for stalking me all yesterday hope you didnt see what I got you for your birthday

Imagine him do a vlog and you come up behind him and him jumping out of his skin .

Imagine moving in with him and going to ikea and picking things out for the house .

Imagine you helping him with a video and at the end him telling everyone how much he loves you .

Imagine going to sleep with him every night .

Imagine going out with your new baby girl . And loads of fans wanting to see her .

Imagine moving with him because you just found out that your pregnant .

Imagine him making a video telling all his fans that your pregnant .

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