Request for rachel Seth mcfarlane

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Rachel's pov
Today was the day me and Seth where going to tell his parents that's I'm pregnant . We have known for a while now and I'm now 5 months pregnant . Me and Seth wanted to tell his parents before we found out the gender . He really wanted a son so he could teach him all manly things .

I've always wanted a daughter what girl doesn't dream of having a little girl so they can do things with there hair and do girly things with them but I'm happy either way .we where still packing are things because we where going to make a trip of it . He hadn't seen his family in a while so we thought why not .

The morning sickness was getting better but today it was the worst the first thing I did when I woke up was be sick . I was now in the shower before leaving and I heard Seth shout "Rachel honey we need to leave in about an hour and half " and I smiled to myself and shouted back "just washing my hair darling I won't be long ".

I washed my hair and jumped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me and walked in to the bed room .

Seths pov

Me and Rachel are going to go see my parents today.we going to tell them that there going to be grandparents . Rachel looked glowing pregnancy really suited her . I'm packing my things and I look at my bag and see everything I need other then my surprise for her . Me and her have been dating for nearly 4 years now and I think it's about time I ask her to marry me .

I go to my Draw and see the small box and look at the ring in the small box and then I see Rachel come out of the shower and I put the box in my pocket .

Rachel's pov

Soon we where ready to go and I checked the house again and Seth sits the car waiting for me and I come out and say everything is locked and safe . And he smiles and say get in the car then so we can leave .and I get in and nearly an hour in to the car journey I turn to Seth and say "I think I'm going to be sick " and I open the window and throw up .

Seth stops the car and pulls over to a lay by and he says "Rachel are you feeling ok if your not well we can go home I'll just tell them over the phone " and he smiles sweetly at me.thats when the cramps kick in and I look at him scared and I say "Seth I think there's something wrong with the baby " and another cramp comes and soon they come every two mins thanks to Seth counting .

I look at him and he says "baby you and the baby will be ok maybe he or she is moving about to much " and that's when my waters break and I scream in pain and I say "Seth drive to the nearest hospital " and he hits the speed

*skip getting there *

Seth soon pulls in to the hospital and I get out and he picks me up and walks me in to the maternity ward and they quickly get me checked out and they say that I'm 7 cm dieolated and I'm near ready to push .i start to cry and I look at Seth and say "I'm sorry it's my fault " and he kisses my forehead and says" it's not your fault baby just relax and all we can do is pray for the best "

Seth pov
I'm scared but I have to be strong for Rachel .when she started having cramps in the car I just knew . I had to get her to hospital and here we are now and she's giving birth to are child right now .all I could do was watch her and hope for the best .

Rachel's pov
I have been pushing for what felt likes days .thats when baby cries fill the air and the doctor says it's a boy and he soon gets rushed away and I look at Seth and smile and say "his here "and I hug him .and I say "what are we going to  call him " and Seth looks at me and says what about Noah Woodbury macfarlane and I smile and say I like it and he looks and me and says "we've been together 4years I think it's time we change your surname to macfarlane to and he pulls the most amazing ring out and say will you marry me Rachael and I nod my head and say yes yes I will .

*time skip *
Noah was finally being let out after being in hospital for 3 months and me and Seth couldn't wait for are new life to begin .

Hope you liked it I changed bits and added bits so I hope you don't mine . I had a lot of fun writing it hope you have fun reading it ☺️😊

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