telling him you pregnant ( youtubers)

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Phil~ you up being sick again you know why your pregnant you found out 2 days ago you hadnt told phil yet . You didnt know how to . That when he called you from the living  room . You slowly get up and see him sitting there watching a programme .you sat next to him .

Phil you asked slightly scared he wouldnt wanna be a dad . Yes he said looking worried but still with his cheeky smile . Impregnate you say it in all one breath . He was shocked at first then he smiled and hugged you tight .please remember that theres a baby in side me now so not to tight . He said sorry and said what will we call it .

Dan ~ dan had already said he didnt want kids .so when you found out you was pregnant you where scared . You could hear dan in his room filming . So you came up with a plan . Well you say plan more like sit and wait .

Once he was done you walked in and hugged him .he smiled and kissed you . Dan you said calmly . Yes y/n . What would you do if I said I was pregnant  and the baby was yours . He sat/ there for a while thinking that when he lifed his head and said I would be happy but worried as well . You smiled at him and placed his one you ever so tiny baby bump . And when you looked at him he was crying with happiness

Casper ~ you and casper had never really talked about having kids . Till today . You found out you where pregnant . You had a plan .you hunted around his and joes flat . You had told joe why and what you where doing so he help while casper was out .

You where looking for emma lee his fake baby . You get it and placed it on the sofa and put a note on it saying you wont be needing this anymore you going to have a real one in 9 months .

When he got home you where in the kitchen bakeing some cupcakes . He sure the note his face lit up and he run and picked you up and covered you in kisses

Joe ~ you wjere doing a q&a with him when a question came up saying would you every wanna have kids . You had found iut the you where two weeks pregnant yesterday and youhad only told zoe because she went with you to the doctors

You smiled and waited for him to reply his reply was yes yes I would and hopefully one day get married . You thought of this as the best time to tell him . Well joe you know babys are hard work to look after . I know there are he said looking confused . Well joe I have something to tell you . He looks worried . Im pregnant you say thats when joe leaps at you and hugs and kisses you.

Pewdiepie~ pewdiepie was at his best he have over a million subscribers and was having the time of his life .you where walking the dog in the park when a fun come up to you and pushed you on the floor to get to him .yousat there in shock till felix comes running over to you to help you up but you felt sick so

He called zoe as you live in the same area and you and her are best friends . Zoe kept telling you to get cheaked out and stuff . She said you had the sigh of being pregnant . So when she drove you to a&e you thought about it when you got in the they ran tests on you to cheak you where ok . Thats when dr y/dn came in and had news .

The doctor looked at you and smiled miss wood you seem to have some very high pregnancy hormones . Felix smiled at you and kissed your belly and soon to be baby

Jim chapman ~ you and jim had been trying for a baby for at least a year now with know .you started to give up all hope when one day you wake up being sick you thought it was just illness and went back to sleep this went on for a couple of days . Jim was away so you had know one to snuggle up with .

When he got back you told him and said something that made you think . So you went to the doctors and you found out that you where 3 weeks pregnant . You drove home and when you got home you shouted for jim he rushed down to see you he look worried till he sure you where fine .

Where you been he said looking for shopping bags but none could be found . You gave him a kiss and looked him in the eyes and said jim im 3weeks pregnant with are baby . His face lit up with happiness . Soon he sat you down and you started to play everything .

Alfie dayes ~ you and him had been married for 5 months now and the last thing on your mind was babys and the future you wanted to spend now together . You and him where having a lazy day . That when alfie turned to you and said that there was loads of fake pics of you with a baby bump .

You and him sat and looked at them all till you fell asleep on his lap . When you wake up you remember the night before thats when you sure alfie had gone you got undressed and looked in the mirror you where 6 weeks pregnant and starting to show there was know way of hideing it . So you baked a cupcake for alfie that said your going to be a daddy soon when he got in he sure it and looked at you .

You sat there waiting for him to do something anything but he just looked at you . You where about to give up and walk off when . He grabbed you and hugged you tighter then he every had done before .

Marcus butler ~  you and marcus where on the way to the doctors . You hadn't been feeling well at all and you where less and less hungry every day . So when you got there you signed in and waited you and marcus where talking when the doctor called you in and you smiled at him and asked him to wait out side .

When you went in there the doctor asked you loads of questions . And he run some test thats when one said you had very high hormones . He asked you to take a pregnancy test and when you went in it was a plus sigh you where pregnant . When you walked out you went to the car and sat in the car . Marcus was waiting for you and smiled at you . Whats wrong then baby he asked you .you turned around and told him you where pregnant .

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