The snow

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Hey everyone. New project! So, I'm gonna make a small change in the way I'm writing this one, more jumps in time, let's say. Hope you enjoy!

You sit near the corner of a forgotten street. You've always had this spot as your own, after your parents' death. Not many people passed here and when anyone did, they were too hurried to care to look around.

You sob. There you are, a child of 7, crying. The headmistress was cruel. All these chores. The namecalling. The dirt. As you cry, he slowly moves over to your side and lays a hand around your shoulders.
"Don't worry. We are going to get out one day. And then we can go on adventures!"
The figure seemed as if made out of pure black energy. It's distinct features did make it look like a child, but there was no face, just the energy continuously looping over it's body into the air.

"I dunno. She's really mean.", you say as you rub your eyes.
"Who is mean?", you hear, as the voice of a girl resounds throughout the other end of the alleyway. She looks neatly dressed, large brown eyes and hair white as snow, as she folds her hands in front of her and moves towards you.

"Were you crying?", she asks.
"N-no.", you try to lie.
"It's okay if you were. What happened?", she asks. She seemed kind. The other one had already left.
"The headmistress of the orphanage. She's thrown me out because I didn't get my chores right. Now I can only come back in tonight."
"What?!", she shrieks.
"But...she's the headmistress. She should care for you until you're adopted. Wait until Father hears of this!", she said determined.
"What could your father do?"
"He's the king! He'll do something at least!"
Your eyes widened. You jumped up and looked at her. "'re the princess!!"
She smiled.
"Yup. That's me!"
You instantly bowed.
"Princess! Forgive me! I haven't greeted you properly or shown the respect! Please!"
She just laughed. You looked up at her , surprised.
"You're not mad? I won't be executed?", you ask, fear in your heart.
"Executed? Why?"
"The headmistress tells us that we shouldn't interact with the royal family. That we...we aren't good enough."
Her head turned almost red.
"Elsa? Where are you, honey?", a heavy male voice yelled.
"Over here, daddy!", she yelled as she turned.
You thought for a second to just run, but she just grabbed your arm.
You started shaking as the king, a tall man wearing a heavy beard and his golden crown. The way the shadows fell over his face creeped you. You had heard tales in the orphanage. How he was someone to be feared if you were an orphan. How he would kill orphans who came too close to his family. You looked at the blade on his side. You shook violently.
"Well, who's this?", he asked with his heavy voice.
"No one, sir! I-I mean, your majesty! Please don't kill me!", you said as you knelt on your knees.
You awaited a cold blade upon your neck. You awaited death. But instead, the king knelt in front of you.
"My boy. What happened to you? Why do you fear me?"
You looked up. You awaited a monster. A scarred battleworn man. But instead there was the smile of kindness.
"The headmistress lied to him. She said that we're evil. That we kill orphans.", Elsa piped up.
The king's smile turned to a frown of concern.
"Hmm. I know that headmistress. Did she really tell you that?"
You bowed your head again.
"Yes, y-your majesty. S-she frightens us and gives us her chores. T-tells us we are not worthy o-of even looking at the royal family."
"Father. She's really mean. These kids don't have parents. It's not fair.", Elsa said.
"No. No, it isn't. Tell me boy. Did you ever want to see the castle on the inside?"

Many years later

You stood among the crowds, a cloak wrapped around you to conceal your identity. Rumor had it that the gates would open once more.
"You don't really believe she'll remember you. Right?", his voice emanated within my head.
"I hope she does. I haven't forgotten about her. So why would she? Besides. If all else fails, maybe Anna will."
You saw the servants making their way to the gates.
"All I'm saying is, that you should know by now to not get your hopes up."
You let go of the pendant you were holding and put it back under your clothes as it hung from your neck.
"Well. We'll see soon enough.", you say determined.

Sure enough, the gates did open. But Elsa wasn't coming outside to greet the guests. Damn. You were going to have to find a way inside.
"And of course they are checking invitations. Oh well. Wall climbing it is, then."
You quickly make your way out of the crowd to one of the sides of the castle.  You quickly look around to see if no one's there. Then you just close your eyes and jump. The dark energy that's been woth you for years carries you to the top of the wall easily. You open years. It felt like teleportation. You're lucky, as there are no guards posted on this side in the courtyard. You sat crouched on the wall. You look through the windows, looking for any sign of Elsa.

"I'm telling you. We should leave.", his voice emanates again from your head.
"Come on. It's her coronation. I wouldn't want to miss this for the life of me.", you say as you hop down.

You were able to sneak in undetected so far. No one knew who you were, considering the clothing you were wearing was very foreign to them. You ditched the cloak to try and blend in, which worked like a treat for now.

And you were there when Elsa was crowned. You stood amongst the clapping people, a smile on your face.
She looked beautiful. She was all grown up, your eyes could tell that much.
"Stop oggling. She doesn't even know you're here.", the voice in your head warned.
"Not yet anyway. I'll meet her during the dance in a little bit."
"It would be wiser to leave. You saw her coronation. That's what we came to do.", he replied.
"Calm down. I've not seen her in ages. I want to see her and meet her."

People start lining up to meet Arendelle's new queen. You can see all kinds of people here. What a surprise it'll be. So many years of not having seen her. She is, after all, the reason you are still here.
You see Anna walk up to Elsa, holding arms with a ginger man. He seemed a very royal like guy. You didn't like him for some reason. He had a weird atmosphere around him. You saw Elsa and Anna starting to argue.
Elsa was walking away, turned and all of a sudden, ice appeared where she waved her hand. So she still attained her powers! Chaos ensued. They called her a witch! How dare they!
Elsa passed you, running away. She didn't even notice you. You ran after her, together with many others.

You wouldn't let her get caught.

Arendelle's Dark Winter: Elsa x dark powers male readerWhere stories live. Discover now