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Hamelen, a few years ago

You and Sarah had spent a year now together. You had both forgotten about the job, stealing only what you needed to survive.
Sarah has truly opened up to you and she's become your best friend.
You both walked in an alleyway, eating from a loaf of bread you just stole.
"That was a good one, Y/N! Using Jack as a decoy. It's become a classic!"
Her curly long blonde hair swished with each step. You were dressed in old clothes you picked up from a store. Without paying, of course. For a long time, you believed there was nowhere else where you wanted to be. But today, it felt different.
"What's up? You've been quiet all day. Something's bothering ya.", she says
"It's nothing. Just brain tricks and all that stuff.", you reply, walking into the alleyway.
"I know you by now. You aren't fooling me. Tell me. Or I'm eating this bread by myself.", she says with a smile.
You sigh loudly. "It's just...a few things crossing my mind. About the past. The future. Just thinking. We see these shop owners. They're all married. Some have kids, some don't. And I just find myself wondering... I could make a future stealing. But will I then be able to have that for myself?"
Sarah coughed loudly.
"Are ya kidding me? Look at you! You're a kind, handsome, loving boy. If a girl doesn't see that, she'd have to be blind and dumb."
"Thanks, Sarah.", you laugh.
"Love will find you. It may have already."
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, nothing.", she says as she skips ahead.
She turned a corner and you followed into the alleyway.
You thought about everything you've done.
"Hey, Sarah?"
She looked back at you.
"What if no one is able to love me? What if they think I'm a freak because of Jack? And...what if they're right? I may just be nothing more but a thieving monster.", you look down. A whole year of living on the streets. Stealing. Using Jack as a way to spook or distract people.
"I can see you're afraid."
You look up to see her walking your way. Each step makes you take one back.
"But you're none of those things. To me, you are a handsome boy who's just trying to move up in the world. And who's caring. And kind. You only steal when you need to."
You stood against a wall. She walked up to you and looked in your eyes.
"That's what I love about you."
She closes her eyes and kisses you.

Arendelle, present day, on top of the north mountain
"But removing yourself from the picture won't help, Elsa."
You stepped closer.
"All it does is leave behind an emptiness in others' lives. Heck, I think Anna's not gonna stay in Arendelle. She's going to come looking for you."
She stood with her back against the wall. Sarah. You thought of her again. You stopped walking. You felt your breathing choke a little. You felt sad.
"You think you're a monster. You're a freak. And that you can do nothing else but hurt others with your powers."
She just looked at you in awe. You knew exactly how she felt.
"But you're not. Look around you. A castle. Furniture. A place to live. Made out of ice. You can make the most beautiful things and more."
She just turned, looking away.
"Why won't you just leave? We haven't seen each other in years. Why would you care?", she raised her voice.
"Because you were the only one who did when I needed. Besides. I have a promise to keep."
"What promise?!"
"To never let anyone suffer like I have!", you yelled. Elsa just stood there, shocked expression on her face.
"I've made a promise to let no one ever walk that path as I have. Because I can tell you, that path is not one you want to walk.", you explained. Your breathing was louder, anger and pain sounded throughout your voice.
"Y/N...what happened to you?"
"That's not what this is about. It's about you. And your sister. And Arendelle."
You then heard the door open. "Elsa!", you heard Anna's voice.
"Before anything else. Let's greet your sister."
She just nodded. You saw her walk downstairs and followed.
"Elsa. There you are. You need to come-. Who's that?", Anna pointed at you. That's...weird.
"Anna. It's me, Y/N.", you smile.
"I've never met you before! And what's this? You build an ice palace to live here with him??"
"Anna, that's not how this happened.", Elsa tries to explain.
You just realise that Anna has forgotten about you. She acts as if though you are a stranger. You watch them argue back and forth, but you're deep in thought.
Until you see Elsa release a beam of ice around her. You use Jack as a shield to block it. But you see that Anna is hurt, badly. She and the blonde guy take their leave.
"Elsa? What was that?", you ask.
"What was what?"
"You just hurt your own sister. Because she wanted you home."
Elsa stops in her tracks. "It'll heal. Just as always.", she says with an ice cold voice.
"And why doesn't she remember me? I know it's been a while, but you still do. So why not her?"
"Enough questions, Y/N. Again, you should leave."
"Where would I go? The mountain's climate will kill me before the wildlife does without a carriage."
She stops on the stairs, seemingly in thought.
"Fine. Tomorrow, I'll make a way to Arendelle for you. You can stay the night."
"Thank you, my queen.", you said as you did a formal bow.
"I'm not a queen anymore.", she says sadly.
She started walking away.
"Elsa. I've not seen you in years. I've heard about your parents.", she stops in her tracks.
"I'm so, so sorry.", you say. She just looks down, at the floor.
"But I don't think this is what they wanted for you."
She just turns and you can see the tears on her cheeks.
You just walk up to her.
"Tell me. What happened?", you ask.

Arendelle's Dark Winter: Elsa x dark powers male readerWhere stories live. Discover now