The Butcher of Hamelen

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You awake, sweating profusely, in the middle of the night. You're in the ice palace. It was...just another nightmare.
"You haven't told her yet.", you hear Jack asking you.
"When will you?"
"I don't know.", you say loudly.
"You care about her. Don't you?"
"Yes. Even more than-"
You couldn't finish your sentence.
"Sarah would've wanted you to be happy.", Jack says.
"Yes. Well, I've given up that right a long time ago, haven't I?", you say as you lie back down.
Just then, you hear the door open.
It was Elsa. You turn to look at her.
"Are you alright? I heard you yelling."
"Yeah...I'm fine. I just had a really bad dream."
"Who's Sarah?", she asks.
You were stumped. She had heard you.
"I...don't wanna talk about it now. I'll tell you in the morning."
She just nods. It is then that you hear the palace doors opening.
You see panic on Elsa's face.
You get up and look out towards the hall. You see that smug guy who was talking to Anna walking in. He had two guys with him. And they carried weapons. Elsa walked out towards them, you following close behind him.
"What do you think you're doing?", she yelled.
"Elsa. You need to come back to Arendelle.", he said. He pleaded, yet you noticed the bolts stuck in the crossbows of his goons.
"Why would I do that?"
"It's Anna. Because of your ice, she's dying. She needs your help."
Elsa looks shocked. "It's my fault?"
"Elsa, she needs help. You need to come with us. People believe you mean to hurt them."
She looks on edge. You notice the ginger man eyeing you.
"And you would do best to stay away from him.", he says.
Elsa looks at you, confused, then back at him.
"What do you mean?"
"It's a story that has traveled my kingdom. The story of the butcher. Isn't that right?"
Your eyes widened. You had run away. Wanted to clear that name. Wanted to forget it.
"That story is filled with lies.", you say, attempting to hide your nerves and anger.
Elsa looks back at you.
"What story?", she asks.
"The butcher of Hamelen.", the man says.
You remembered everything at once. Hamelen. Sarah. The hooded man. The potion. The deal. The wish.
"Once upon a time, there was a town called Hamelen. Within this city, two thieves ran rampant. One a young lad and one a blonde girl. The stories say her name was-"
You took a step forward in reflex, in anger.
"Don't you dare say her name! You have no right of saying it! You didn't know her! No one did!"
"Or else what? You'll butcher me?"
You had played right into his hand. Damn.
"Where was I? Oh, right. The girl and boy were caught by a guard who was only doing his job obviously. The boy attacked and the guard fired his flintlock. But the girl sacrificed herself."
You were reliving every moment. Sarah. You see her face right in front of you. The blood splashes onto your clothes again.
"They say the boy went mad and used dark powers to cover the whole city in darkness for a full day. When the darkness fell... not a single soul was left alive."
Elsa looked back at you.
The dark energy was flaring, like an aura, around your body. Tears streamed down your face as you visibly clenched your teeth.
"Y/N? Is it true?", she asked.
"Oh. I remember her name again.", he spoke again.
"Sarah.", he spoke. Within a second, Jack grabbed his throat and pushed him into a wall.
"Y/N...", Elsa tried to reach you.
"You don't get to call her name! You don't get to say anything! You don't know the truth!"

Hamelen, a few years ago

"Sarah! Sarah! Look at me! Come on, stay with me, stay with me, please stay with me.", you were holding her in your arms, laying her body over your legs.
"Y/N...", she spoke softly.
"Hey, hey. There you are. You are going to be okay. You're going to be fine.", you say, panic hinting in your voice.
The guard just stood there, his mouth wide open, seemingly in shock.
"Y/N... it's okay. It's alright."
"Why'd you jump in front of me? That bullet was meant for me! It was mine to take! Jack could've helped me! Not-.", you choke on your words as you start sobbing. Jack quickly grabs the guard by the throat and pushes him against a wall.
"I-I-It was an accident! I swear!", he pleas, trying to get more breath.
You just look up at him. If looks could kill, he would've died ten times over at the spot.
"Y/N. Look at me.", Sarah pleaded, putting a hand on your cheek.
You looked down, holding her hand.
"It's okay. I wanted to save you. And I succeeded.", she smiles.
"When we met, life was horrible. And in all the years after, you've made every day worth living. Knowing what I know now, I would've done everything all over again. Even catching that bullet.", she smiles.
"It's not fair...", you say softly, through sobs.
"No, it's not. But it's definitely better than dying alone in an alleyway, not having met you."
"We had a future...", you sob.
"You still do. And I know you will love another. And that's okay. I enjoyed being with you."
You could hear her breathing growing fainter.
"I can't... I can't do this.", you beg.
"You'll have to. And you will. You're strong, Y/N. I know that."
She puts her second hand on yours.
"Now let the young man go. Prove it, that you were really planning on building a future with me.", she says. For a second, you see how she looks at you. The same way she always looked at you. You can practically feel her love for you. You can almost see it dance in her eyes. You look at the guard. He's in a state of pure terror as Jack's dark silhouette comes face to face with him. A thousand thoughts race through your mind. You could make him pay. Make him realize his mistake. You could hurt him in so many ways. But...what would that show to Sarah?
"Let him go, Jack."
Jack, reluctantly, lets go. The guard just turns.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, it was accident!"
"It's alright.", she says. "It wasn't your fault."
With that the guard just nods, shocked expression on his face, and runs off.
"I love you.", she says softly, tears welling up in her eyes.
"I love you too.", you say, trying to hold back sobs. She just smiles at you again, as you see her expression change and the light slowly fade in her eyes, until they look back.
No response.
All you see, are her lifeless eyes.
You break down, crying, hugging her now lifeless corpse, shaking back and forth.
She's gone.

Arendelle's Dark Winter: Elsa x dark powers male readerWhere stories live. Discover now