Chase to the castle

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You run after her withing the crowd. All you remember when she passed you by was her face and the pure fear that was imprinted upon it.
"Humans are honestly despicable creatures. Look at them. It's almost a real witch hunt.", he says in your head.
You try not to stand still about whag may happen. You just need to get to her and try to calm her down.
She stops near the fountain, trying to keep everyone at a distance. You can see how she acts. Almost like an insecure cornered animal. Poor Elsa.
Just as you're nearing her, she freezes the fountain, which causes only more chaos.
You try to keep up but you get pushed around by the amount of people. And you lose sight of her.
"Crap!", you say to yourself. You feel anger growing within your chest. You should've used your powers, despite the chaos that would've sown.
"Relax. We're good trackers. Let's just try to get some information once everything dumbs down.", he soothes you.
You just look to where you last saw her and sigh to yourself. Well. Might as well try to introduce yourself to Anna as well. She might be able to help out.
You turn around, but you feel very chilly. You look up and see that snow is falling all over the city.
"Elsa... what have you done?", you think to yourself. You go ahead and try to find Anna for a few hours. Sadly, no luck.
"Apparently, she's been spotted on the north mountain trail.", you hear down an alleyway. You listen in, as you see guards talking to each other.
"I can't believe it. Our own queen to be, a witch!"
You clench your teeth. These people never understood these powers you and Elsa shared. But, at least they gave you a lead.
"Let's go.", you tell the voice.

A few hours later you are slowly climbing the mountain in the middle of the night.
"You should rest."
"I shouldn't do anything but find Elsa and calm her down. Did you see the fear in her eyes? You realize that is exactly the same as back then, right?", you yell against the blowing wind.
"Maybe. But it's not worth to die out in the cold for it."
"I'll see how far I can go.", you respond.
You keep going and going and going. You feel your legs are starting to get sore. But anytime you think of stopping you see Elsa's face. And the fear she felt.
"You were right.", you say. "Humans are some of the most despicable creatures sometimes. I often hate being one of them. But, we can make a change. We just need to find her."
You walk for one more hour and in the middle of the night, on top of the north mountain, you see a castle, made out of pure ice.
You walk over the ice bridge and stumble to the door. Only to fall unconcious halfway.
"Elsa...", you say softly.

Many years ago, in Arendelle

You look around the castle with Elsa.
She's kind and giggles whenever she sees your eyes widen in surprise.
"This place is sooo big!", you say in amazement.
"You have so much room to play in! Why would you guys ever go outside?!", you yell.
She just giggles and runs up to you.
"Do you want to build a snowman?", she asks.
You give her a confused look. It is the middle of spring.
"How? There's no snow?"
She just throws her hands up and it starts snowing in the room.
"Wooooow...", is all you can say.
"You have powers too?!", you ask.
She looks wide-eyed at you.
"Come on, Jack! Let's show her.", you command.
From behind you walks a black energy figure. It looks like a silhouette of yours.
"Ta-da!", you say. She looks a bit distressed.
"Don't be scared. Jack's pretty kind. Go on! Wave hello!", you say as Jack quickly waves hello to Elsa.
"Oh and look! I can make him change shape into anything! Sword!"
Jack jumps into your hand, in the shape of a blade. Elsa starts smiling.
"Fist!", as he turns into a gient black fist.
Jack covers your face, with holes like an actual mask for your eyes and mouth.
Elsa starts laughing and Jack makes the mask appear to smile.
"I'm glad I met someone like you. I like you, Y/N."

Many years later, on top of the northern mountain

You slowly wake up. You feel cold. You look around and see only ice. Your mind is trying to catch up.
"Wake up.", Jack says.
"Where are we?"
"In Elsa's ice castle. Somehow, we got inside. We don't know how, seeing how you blacked out."
"Look, Jack. I just couldn't let her run off like that. It was meant to be just a quick hello."
"The hello is now on its second day, Y/N."
Just then you heard the door open and the clicking of high heels walking closer to you. You closed your eyes and pretended to sleep.
"Why are you here?", she said in a stern voice.
A moment passes.
"I know you're awake. I can see your breathing because of the cold."
You open up your eyes. And there she stands. The blue dress, the long hair, her eyes, her lips. She looked beautiful. Just as beautiful as you remembered.
You slowly sit up. "Okay. Ya got me.", you say with a smile.
She, however, does not seem amused.
"You need to leave.", she says as she turns.
"But...I just got here. And I'm not leaving."
She turns. An angered look upon her face.
"You're scared. Believe me when I say, I would know."
"How could you possibly know?!"
"Because what you're doing, right now? I've done that until this moment."
Her look softened a little. And you could see the girl you hadn't seen in ages.
"Finally. There you are. Hi, Elsa.", you say as you smile.

Arendelle's Dark Winter: Elsa x dark powers male readerWhere stories live. Discover now