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"Marriage? You would create an alliance, for much needed resources, by a forced marriage?! Have you gone insane?"

Your hands were firmly planted on the wooden table as you looked the Duke in the eyes. Anger flew through your veins. You had difficulty controling your powers that currently ran rampant through your system. The shadows emanating around you indicated as much.

The Wesselton guards in the room drew their weapons, pointed at you.

"You would let people starve, die on the streets, in case our queen does not want to marry whoever you indicate? And cause a bloodshed to boot?!"

"I am doing the only thing right for Wesselton! Who is to say you will not turn on us a year into the alliance?", He stood up, his disdain clear in his eyes.

"Says the duke who was preparing to go to war with us today!"
You bent further and further over the duke. Emotions overflowed through your system.

"Y/N!", Elsa yelled.

You looked back at her, seeing a cross expression on her face. She couldn't truly be considering it??

"Ser Duke. While I agree that a strong alliance should be made, this simply is not an option. I am spoken for in secret as I'm certain other nobles within your kingdom have done so for generations past."
Elsa's diplomacy once more sgined through. You truly envied her possibilty to do so.

"Spoken for in secret?! To whom?"
"That, ser Duke, I believe is a private matter."
She replied curt. You had to try something. You started to think, attempting to find another way, until.

"Previous transgressions aside, might I propose another option?", You asked.
All eyes were on you as all of a sudden you tried your best at diplomacy in an already hostile environment.

"Whilst a marriage would indeed forge an alliance, it is not the only way alliances have been forged in the past. What are the current imports and exports in regards to Wesselton? How fare those affairs?"

Elsa, unbeknownst to you, suddenly smiled.
"The imports and exports have been lowering, ever since the fear of sailing by Arendelle, considering the last revelations.", spoke the Duke.

"Perhaps we can come to the following arrangement. We create a shipping company, built out of different sailing companies of both kingdoms. Having them sail under one united company might just raise morale enough, to bring import and export to higher levels, and would increase relationships between our kingdoms."

The duke thought this through. Elsa on the other hand was silently admiring you, though you paid no such attention.

"Think about it this way, ser Duke. Arendelle will have new salesmen and shippers in their docks, while Wesselton will have new customers and more orders incoming. Income will rise in both kingdoms. We wouldn't even need to apply any taxes, as the regional taxes would still apply. Add to that the increased security of an alliance between our kingdoms, with the military action you have just demonstrated and you have got yourself an alliance just as strong as the rulers of the respective kingdoms. We are of the same mind in not wanting any bloodshed, so tis an alliance well worth the thought."

The room fell silent. You had a smile on your face even though you were screaming on the inside. What had you just done?
You didn't know diplomacy! And now you are dealing in these matters instead of Elsa?

"It is indeed a proposition well worth the thought. Very well. I shall return to Wesselton and attempt to come to an accord."

You just stood there with a smile. "I thank you, ser Duke. It was an utmost pleasurable meeting, one I am glad to have had the opportunity to experience and learn from."

The Duke turned to Elsa. "Quite the advisor you have gotten tour hands on, Queen Elsa."
"You have no idea.", She said with a tone in her voice that you were unsure whether it was praise or mockery.

Timeskip to you back at the Castle

You stood at the window, watching the ships sails fade away.

"I wonder how Wesselton will react. When you say goodbye to the loved ones who set sail for war, rarely do you see them back alive within the day.", You reminisced out loud about the events you just witnesses and averted.

Elsa's hand wandered over your shoulder as she stood behind you, looking out the window with you.
You put yours over it and held it close.
"That is true. But I would see it as a blessing from their perspective."
She turned to you with a smile but you just scowled with your gaze still on the ships.
"For some, yes. For others, just another reason to cause trouble."
You were snapped out of your train of thought when Elsa went and leant on your shoulder.
"Do tell me, oh councillor, where you learned all your knowledge of politics and alliances? Your display earlier was amazing. I wasn't aware you knew such things."

You turned to smile at her. And your mind wandered once more.


"General! We have been overrun! They're coming at us from all sides!"

The soldier spoke to you, attempting to keep any form of normalcy, even though the situation allowed for very little.

You turned to him as cannon fire passed overhead.

"You listen to me! You get those men out there and hold the line at all costs! Understood?!"

You shrieked your heart out as you grabbed the soldier by the cuff.
The surrounding noise was drowning out any thought. Any feeling of peace and safety was buried under this mound of chaos.

"Yes, sir!!"

He ran past the walls and back to his bataillon as you looked up at the black and red sky.
Despair clung to your heart for but a moment.

"Let's not be too hasty, Y/N. We can yet win this."
Jack's voice came from within, calming your nerves slightly.

"This was a mistake, Jack. Look at us. Attempting to hold our hideout and for what?"

You looked up to the sky.
"All because I wanted to forget..."

Flashback end


You snap out of your thoughts and see Elsa's worried face as she has gotten closer to you.

"You started to breathe rapidly. Almost hyperventilate. Are you alright?"

"Alright? Yes, yes, of course I'm alright. I'm here, with you and we circumvented a war. That's better than alright, it's brilliant!!", You smiled.

The smile reappeared on her face as she hugged you and you hugged her back.

Though inside, your worry grew larger still.

Arendelle's Dark Winter: Elsa x dark powers male readerWhere stories live. Discover now