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You slowly wake up in one of the guest rooms. You've stayed over for a week now. Being treated like royalty wasn't so bad.

You've been having dreams of her again. Sarah. Hamelen. You were just starting to make peace with everything that happened.

There's a soft knock on the door. "Enter", you reply.
The door opens to reveal one of the servants.
The lan spoke formally:
"Excuse me, sir Y/N, but queen Elsa has requested your presence in the dining room. Breakfast has been served, so please go there at your earliest convience."
"Sure. I'll be right there. Thank you.", You say as you move to get out of bed, obce the servant has taken his leave.
You start to get dressed and take a look at the room once more. If someone in Hamelen would've told you you'd live in this type of room, you would've reported them to the madhouse.
But here you were. Windows so tall, you could barely see the top. Looking through them would reveal a wonderful view of the kingdom with beyond that the vast open sea. The best curtains in the lands provided the best sleeping experience as only the finest bedsheets allowed you to sleep as peacefully as a rose. But what made everything perfect, everything just that much better, was seeing Elsa.

Over the past few days you had rekindled your friendship. But it would be a lie if you said you hadn't noticed her in a more romantic way. Her eyes, her smile, her cute little nose. It all made the days passing by just that extra bit special.

Jack has been more relaxed than ever before. It felt...peaceful. Staying here was indeed one of the best choices you had ever made.

You started walking down the stairs, passing by many a portrait. And then you stopped near one portrait that showed Elsa as a child. With Anna and their parents. And you couldn't help but remember...

Flashback to when you were kids

"Y/n, look out!", Elsa yelled. You were too late as the snowball hit you straight in the face and you fell flat on your back, laughing out loud.

"No fair! I can't make snowballs with my powers!", You laughed.

You spent the afternoon just like every other one. Together. Enjoying a game. Anna came up and whispered into Elsa's ear, after which they both giggled.

"What's so funny?", You ask. "Nothing.", Elsa replied.
She ran of back into the castle. You were about to give chase when Anna stopped you.
"Y/n! Truth or dare?!"
"Ehm...truth?", You replied uncertain.
"Do you like Elsa?"
You started to blush and stutter.
"Er...I-I-I, well I mean we, uh, she..."
"Oh my god! You like her, don't you, Y/n? Y/n. Y/n. Y/n."

End of flashback

"Y/n?", Anna said when poking your shoulder.
"Huh? Oh. Hi, Anna."
"Wow. You were in deep thought huh?"
She looked at you with a grin.
'"What?". You asked
"Oh. Just remembering a game we played. Truth or dare, I think?"
You just scoffed.
"Please, Anna. That was years ago!"
She just giggled.
"Well, for being so long ago, you still look at my sister the same way."
You just turned away and started walking.
"Not like it matters.", You said with a grin.
She ran after you. "What do you mean?"
"She's a queen. And I'm... I'm me. Don't you see? The odds of us becoming a thing are...mostly unreal."
"Well...me and Kristoff are a thing. So it's not entirely impossible. Give it some thought. I'll leave you two to it."
She giggled as she ran off. You just shook your head as you made your way towards the breakfast room.

When you arrived, you noticed it was just Elsa sitting there. But the table seemed to have an entire buffet, ready to be consumed upon it.
"Ehm...I know I tend to be hungry, but this is a bit too much.", You laugh.
Elsa snickers at your reply. "Don't worry. Whatever you leave, will be distributed among the poorer families of the kingdom."
You smile and take a seat next to her.
You dig in with some eggs, bacon and breads. It tasted so delicious.
Elsa was just looking at your enjoyment and smiling.
"Well, you seem to be starving.", She remarks.
You slow down a bit with a smile as you wipe your face.
"Sorry. I haven't had great food like this in a while."
"It's alright. Please, enjoy it."
You were enjoying your meal when you noticed Elsa checking you out.
"You okay, Elsa?"
She immediately started to blush and look at her plate.
"Yes. I am perfectly fine.", She responded.
You realized what was happening. It was easy to pick up on.
Your mind started racing. It can't be real! She's a queen! And you were just...you. Why's she checking you out?!

You decide to break the silence.
You both spoke and interrupted each other at the same time.
For a minute you stare at each other, then start laughing at what happened.
"Please, you go first.", You offer.
"No, no, please, you first."

You look into her eyes. See her look at you expectantly. And you feel...strange.

"Look. I really don't know how to go about this. I just...sorta saw you checking me out and...I remembered from back in the day when we used to just play in the castle grounds as kids. Seeing you again has been great and I'm glad we've rekindled our friendship. But I can't help but wonder. Why? I'm just...me. I'm nothing special. If anything, I bear the title "butcher of Hamelen." Granted, it isn't really my title but..."

She motions for you to stop. "Y/N. I could ask you the same question. Why did you come looking for me on the northern mountain? Why did you come find me?"

She smiles. She knows she has made a point. You simply smile back.

"I came to find you because...because I remembered. Because I remembered how scared I used to be, with my powers. And how easy it is to abuse them, if you'd want to."
You spoke calmly.

"Can I ask? What happened in Hamelen?", She asks curiously.


You ran around the town, which was now covered in pure darkness. Nearly every man, woman and child you passed got grabbed by something into the dark. Until eventually, you made your way into a baker's basement.
You held onto her corpse. You wouldn't let her go. Ever.

You stayed in that basement for days, living off of the baker's supplies. After a few days, the darkness lifted. When you looked outside, you saw something undescribable. Every person that lived in Hamelen, was now dead. Their rotting corpses laid in the streets. Nearly everyone had been killed. Except for you.

"Well, well deary. Color me impressed."

You turned around. Rumplestiltskin.

"You still hanging on to her corpse are you? I wouldn't if I were you. After all. The butcher of Hamelen would be apprehended quite swiftly with such a burden."

You charged at him, in blind fury. He simply vanished and appeared behind you.

"Why?! Why this?", You asked..

"Because. They made me into what I am. A beast. And as a beast, it is in my nature to destroy, isn't it? Ta-ta, butcher."

He laughed eerily as he vanished again.

Back in the castle

Elsa put her hand over yours as she listened intently.
"I carried her out of the city. Buried her on a hilltop. And I ran. Guards attempted to find me and arrest me, but thanks to Jack, I was able to circumvent them easily. And I remembered a place where I still had someone I cared about. I picked up you were going to be crowned queen. I wouldn't have missed that for the world."

"Y/N...I have to confess that I-"
"Queen Elsa!"

We got interrupted by one of the guards. Elsa seemed to be annoyed as she looked to him.
"There's a man outside! He wishes to speak to you and your guest!"

"But.. no one knows you are here.", Elsa noted.
"Who is this man?", she asks.

"He won't say his name. Only that he has business with sir Y/N."

You didn't have to think long.


Arendelle's Dark Winter: Elsa x dark powers male readerWhere stories live. Discover now