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The days following were quite the chaos. People of Arendelle asking the state of affairs with Wesselton, rumours that needed to be silenced, Anna and Kristof preparing for their marriage. It was after such a long day that you found yourself in the sitting room slouched onto a couch, after a long audible sigh.

Your memory wandered back to the times you were at war. The time you had spent with people who were like family to you, when Hamelen had marked you a monster.


"Hey. Sleepy head. Wake up."

You wake up to a feminine voice as you see a ravenblack haired woman in front of you. A wide smile on her face, her blue eyes lock onto yours as you grunt getting up.
"Good morning!"

"Morning.", You grumble.

"Still that down in the dumps, huh? Seriously, what happened to you for you to be so angry all the time?"

You simply walk past her as you notice she's wearing her combat gear.

"Another mission?", You grumble.
"Food and supplies won't steal itself you know. Besides. There are families starving."

You lift one of the curtains you usef as tents as you look in the slums you find yourself in. The only refuge you had for longer than a day.

You walk out as the woman, Sylvia, joins you.

"He asked for you. Said it's important. I wouldn't keep him waiting."

You sigh and nod in response.
"Good. I'll see you around.", She says in response.

Sylvia turns into one of the alleys, making her way to her station, while you went to Commander Normandy's office.

After a good 10 minutes, you arrive in his humble abode.
"I'm here.", You mumble.
He looks up at you from his map, this stocky man, with a blind eye, bald head and a full brown beard. His one brown eye locks onto yours.

"Took you long enough.", His deep voice rumbles.
"Plan?", You reply simply, walking next to him.

"The imperial army is advancing. They'll be here by next sunrise.", He grunts.

"So what? We run again?", You ask.
"No. No, this time our soldiers remain behind. The people evacuate and get to the nearest kingdom. We make sure these bastards can't stop them from reaching the border."

"All this. Just for a small rebellion.", You ponder.

"Yeah, well, the small rebellion has caused them quite the headache. They gone so far as to bring cannons with them.", Normandy groans.

"Cannons? Heavy artillery for just a few men."
"That it is.", He says as he turns to you with a platter upon which lies a piece of cheese, a piece of chocolate and a glass of the finest brandy.

"Final meal platter? What's this about, Normandy?"

"You know exactly what this means, Y/N. The odds of us coming out of this alive are next to none."
He hands you the platter, putting it down on the table in front of you.

"So eat up. Sunrise's almost here."

Back in Arendelle

One of the servants walks up to you with a platter in hand, Elsa following behind.
As they set down the platter, you are shaken from your thoughts as you see the food placed in front of you. You realise you've sat here for a few hours now.
"Oh. I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have gone through the trouble, I find myself without appetite.", You apologeticly explain.

"Then it will be for hunger that comes. Thank you.", Elsa says with a kind smile as the servant bows and makes her way into the hallways, closing the door behind them.

You sigh as you sit up and lock eyes with Elsa.
"Forgive me. It seems I lost quite the track of time."

"It would seem so. But, seeing how the courts' business is all dealt with.", She says as she turns and goes to sit on your leg, putting an arm around you. "What seems to be troubling you? You can't say it's nothing. Ever since the meeting with Wesselton's forces, you seem distracted."

You take a deep breath, putting your arm on her back. Elsa. The one person you have trusted over the years.
And so, you explain.

"After Hamelen had all but exiled me. I lived on the move. I never stuck to one place for long. Like a nomad. Eventually, I ended up on the border with the Imperial kingdom. When I arrived there, I met some kind people. They didn't have much, but they were happy to share with another forlorn soul like themselves. No matter how I asked them to preserve their food and supplies, they would take me in and feed me and provide me bedding. One day, the imperial soldiers came into the neighbourhood. Started talking about higher taxes. People started to voice their concerns. Loudly.", You snicker, remembering the small riot that followed.

"The Imperial guard pulled their weapons upon their own. I, together with a few others, saved as many as we could. But for some, it was too late. Man, woman, child. It didn't matter to them. In the months thereafter, a war veteran named Normandy, a thief or spy named Sylvia and me, we started a small rebellion. We trecked away from the imperial city, taking as many civilians with us as we could. We, of course, stole supplies and food from the army. Cripple their ranks so we could at least win in a war of attrition. They came after us. Bloody after bloody battle, they brought more men and more weapons, than we could even handle."

You hear an audible gasp from Elsa, as she puts a hand on your chest.
"But it would seem you've made it.", She smiled.

Your face turns to a sad one. "I have. I was the only one who made it. The rebellion died on the last battle. The civilians made it to another kingdom, though their families were already shattered beyond consolation."

You look back at her. "I have seen what war does. It is never any good. And it should never be an option."

Elsa pulls you into a hug as you cross your arms on her back.

"Spoken like a wise counsillor.", She grins. Both of you simply sat there, enjoying each others company in the dim candlelight, as night fell.

In Wesselton

"Ser Duke.", A long drawn out version of the word was spoken, almost like a vile snake spoke the words with venom.

The room was dark, as the duke of Wesselton was sat in a chair in front of a large burly shadow.

"Negotiations...were not what you were tasked with."

"I am aware.", The duke stammered. "But there was no reason for our men to fall. Their army was stronger. And they had no intention of declaring war."

A knife was trusted upon the table in front of him.

"That was your task, Ser Duke. After all. With our help, you would have succeeded nonetheless."

"Well, their advisor was pretty covincing.", The duke attempted.

"Advisor? I did not know Arendelle had an advisor in this matter? Besides. What would an advisor be able to do to stop your forces?"

"You don't understand! He is the previous butcher of Hamelen. It was-"

The Duke was cut off by the man jumping of off his chair, smahsing his hand on the table.

"Y/N, F/N. That's who you're talking about?", A slight agitation within his voice was clear.

"Yes! That's him!", The duke nodded.

The chair was thrown along the room, smashing to pieces against a nearby wall.

"Of course he survived!! You! Get the men ready. We'll pay Arendelle a little visit.", The figure spoke as one of the other soldiers walked out, followed by the barking of orders.

"Ser duke. Wesselton can rest easy on its laurels. For now. You are dismissed."

The duke walked out, thanking the man quite a lot on his way out.

As the figure takes a seat, he groans.

"Y/N. It is time you pay for what you have done."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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