A new dawn

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Hans tried to claw at your arms. Attempting to wriggle loose from your grip. But you had enough.
"You brat.", you said. Something had happened to your voice. It was heavier. More hoarse than before. And you couldn't see. All you saw was his red silhouette, hanging in your hand by his neck.
"You monster...", he said.
"Oh, am I? People like you have always been a pain to deal with. Feeling priviliged. Feeling like life owes them something, just because you exist."
You bring him closer to your face.
"And when you don't get what you want. You throw a tantrum. The issue is, as you get older, that tantrum contains weapons.", you say as you kick the sword away.
"And I HATE spoiled brats throwing tantrums."
He spits in your face and you just smash him into the ice.
"Anna-", you hear Elsa whimper behind you.
You look back and see Anna standing amidst the lake. She is frozen solid.
"Anna...I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.", Elsa says as she starts to cry and hug Anna's now frozen body.
You turn to Hans.
"You...", is all you say before you punch him in the gut, still holding him with the other.
He starts coughing up blood.
"You will-"
'Prove it, that you were really planning on building a future with me.'
You look around, unsure what you should expect. But then you realise what that was. It wasn't Sarah. Not really.
You look down upon the ice, saddened. You remembered everything. Her voice. Her face. Her eyes as the lights faded from them.
Then, you look back at Hans. He still seems scared out of his mind.
You bring up your fist, ready to smash that ugly mug to pieces.
'Prove it to me...'
You are thinking about the consequences. You'd be a monster. To any and all around you. Even Elsa. Even Sarah. How were you going to face her, if you let anger consume you so easy?
You let your arm back down. As your eyes return to normal, you drop Hans to the ice.
"Wh-what are you-?", he attempts to speak. You cut him off.
"You will sit there and not move a muscle. Just because I'm leaving you here, does not mean my friend agrees so easily. Just sit down, stay quiet and no harm comes to you."
You turn and see Elsa embracing Anna. You walk up to her, approaching silently.
"Elsa...I-I'm sorry. This isn't how it should've-"
You start talking, but you soon notice that the ice on Anna is melting. Before long, Anna is back as her usual self. And joy and laughter fills the air.
You look back to Hans and approach him.
"Damn it! I could've been king!", he yells.
"You would've never been king. I wouldn't have let you live.", you reply coldly.
"Of course not. Because you are a monster! A freak! A-"
You watch as a patch of ice freezes his mouth shut. Elsa walks besides you.
"He's none of those things. Even though his powers seem frightening, just like mine, he's far more noble and kind than you, Hans."
You look at her as she says this. She looks...beautiful, in this light. This angle. You remembered your crush on her. And then you look past her. You see a familiar figure. You walk past Elsa and further onto the ice. She becomes clearer to see. Sarah. Sarah!
You run onto the ice. Towards her. When you arrive, she smiles.
"Sarah...you...but how?"
" It's...not really me.", she starts.
"But...you're here! I can see you! I can-"
You move your hand towards hers but it passes through.
"Rumplestiltskin promised me a wish. So I made one. I wanted to say goodbye. And I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you."
You felt your eyes water. Your nose started to twitch as you attempted to hold in your feelings. You look at the ice underneath you again'
"You shouldn't be... I failed you..."
"You never failed me. Not once. Look at me, Y/N."
You look at her. Her eyes seem filled with life again. Her beauty shines once more.
"Not. Once.", She repeated.
"I've always loved you. And I always will. You even wanted to wish for my life back. It didn't matter to you whether you lived in poverty or luxury. As long as you had me."
"But... it's not possible...", You said, defeated.
"Not like we want to. But I'm always with you. You know that. And it's okay. Life moves on. So, why shouldn't you? You wanted to build a life with me. Now build one for yourself. With whomever you want at your side."
She smiled. Her contagious, bright smile.
"I love you...", You sobbed.
"I love you too.", she repeated.
She moved to hug you. Just as you attempted to embrace her, she dissappeared.
"Thank you.", You hear her whisper.
You just sit on your knees. It was strange but...it felt as if a burden had been lifted.
"Was that her?"
You look behind you. Elsa had moved up towards you.
"Yes. Yes, it was."
"I'm so sorry.", She said as she hugged you from the side.
"I know. But it's alright. She's at peace. I'll just...need a while to let it sink in."
She stood back up.
"Stay in Arendelle. We still have some guest rooms in the castle."
You turn to attempt to dissuade her.
"I insist.", She says sternly but with a smile.
You just stand up, wiping your eyes.
"Sure. Why not?"
She walks off with a content smile.
You just look out as the sun is slowly starting to rise once more.
A new dawn awaits.

Arendelle's Dark Winter: Elsa x dark powers male readerWhere stories live. Discover now