Past scars

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Elsa started talking. It took you a while to convince her but eventually, she sat on the bed where you woke up and tearfully told you about her past. How her parents locked her away in the castle. How she felt as if she didn't belong in that room or that building. How she shouldn't become queen of Arendelle. And you just sat there and listened. You realized that, in a way, she had to go through the same pain that you went through when you were a child in Arendelle.
"And now I'm here.", she says with a heavy sigh.
"Elsa. You can't keep blaming yourself. It was an accident.", you say, but you're unsure if you're telling her that or if you're telling that to yourself.
Sarah. You see her again in your mind.
Elsa notices your mood shift. She smiles.
"I think you've had a few adventures of your own with Jack. Would you tell them to me?"
You feel your muscles tense up for a second.
"I'd...rather not. There's not much to tell anyway. Just the same scared little boy you invited to play at the castle.", you smile.
" must've spent that time with someone, right?", she asks.
Sarah. You hear her voice again.
'It's not your fault."
"Yeah. There was someone. But...that didn't turn out how I wanted it, anyway."
"I'm sorry.", she says.
"Not necessary. It's...not your fault."

Hamelen, a few years ago

You and Sarah had now been together for a few months. And you were happy. You may have lived and slept in alleyways. You may have had to steal to survive. But for a while, life couldn't be better. You both ran into an alleyway as guards ran by and Sarah had this excited look on her face as you wanted to catch your breath.
"Man, the butcher really wasn't happy.", she laughed.
"This chicken could last us a whole week!", she says, looking at the avian dinner she was carrying.
"We need to watch out. We're getting careless. We almost got caught.", you tell her.
"Nah. You're always there to pull me out, right?"
She just quickly kisses you and walks into the alleyway. Just then, a familiar hooded man walks in front of her.
"Touching.", he says. You instantly recognize the voice.
"We haven't seen you in a while. What's shaking?", she says jokingly.
"The job offer.", he replies.
"That potion? Hasn't that gone off yet?", you pipe up.
"Not at all, dearie. You see, the potion is magical. And I need it."
"And why would we fetch it for ya?", Sarah asks.
"For a deal, of course. You get me the potion. You both get a single wish granted. Not separately. Together. After all, your hearts have been...enjoying each other's presence, haven't they?", he finishes his sentence with a short, high-pitched, snicker.
"What sort of wish?", you ask.
"Anything. Money, fame, peace in your lives, whatever you want. I only need the potion tonight. And the wish is yours."
Sarah just looked at you.
"This is smelling fishy. And it ain't the nearby fish stall I'm smelling, Y/N."
You grab her hands. "But think about it, Sarah. We won't have to steal anymore. We can just... live our own life. No guards behind us, no angry shopkeepers."
She just smiles at you.
"It's a deal.", you tell the man.
"Good. The shopkeep will close this evening just as the moon will climb the nightsky. The potion is found behind the counter. Find me here when you have it.", he says. He turns and walks away.
"Don't we need your name?", you yell after him.
"You have three guesses.", he laughs in the distance.
"Man, he's all sorts of weird.", Sarah says.
"Still. If he doesn't back up his promise, we can just keep the potion to ourselves.", you say.
"So. Build a life for us, huh?", she smirks at you.
"Just mindful of the future.", you say as you put an arm around her.
As a few hours pass and night falls over Hamelen, you make your way towards the store, staying out of sight and blending in with crowds as you go. Sure enough, the shopkeep is starting to close up shop. The older man truns as he puts the key in his pocket and walks home.
"Damn. We are going to need that key, Y/N.", Sarah whispers.
"No, we don't.", you smile to yourself.
You make Jack crawl over the floor as a shadow. He crawls on the window and picks up the potion, because now his shadow is projected into the store.
He quickly makes his way to the door, and he busts the lock as silently as possible. The potion sort of floats out towards you as you hold it triumphantly. Sarah just smiles.
"Stop! Thieves!", you look around and see the guards pointing at you.
"Ruuuun!!", you yell and push Sarah in front of you.
You both run, trying to shake the guards as you go. Streets, alleyways, people. All of them pass in a flash as you both pick up speed.
Eventually, you make it into an alleyway as the guards run past.
You just laugh at each other and walk towards the other end.
A younger guard stands there. A flintlock pistol is pointed at you. He looks nervous and his gun shakes heavily.
"Easy.", you say as you and Sarah raise your hands above your head.
"Where is that shadow thing? Where is it?!", the guard yells frightened.
"He's not here.", you lie.
"Look. You're obviously unnerved. We don't have to do this. Just drop the weapon. And we'll let each other rest in peace. No one has to die tonight.", you say, trying to calm the guard dow.
"Drop the potion!", he says.
"I can't do that. We need to make a life for ourselves."
You take a step forward. And then you hear a loud bang. And you see blonde curled locks floating in front of you for a second, blood flying onto your chest. The moment lasts an eternity as you see her frightened eyes look at yours as she blocks the shot. You reach out and hold her.


Arendelle's Dark Winter: Elsa x dark powers male readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt