Chapter 22

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I awoke the next morning half expecting Taylor to be gone. But when I rolled over he was still asleep next to me. He looked so peaceful I was afraid to wake him. I wasn't sure what last night had meant. All I knew was, I wasn't ready to find out. I carefully climbed out of bed and got dressed. He was still sleeping when I went out to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.
I checked to see if there was anything to make for breakfast and realized I really needed to go shopping. I sat down and wrote out a list of things I needed. Anything to get my mind off the man I loved sleeping in my bedroom.
When my list was finish I turned to pour myself a cup of coffee when I felt arms go around my waist. I sighed and leaned into them against his bare chest. He pushed my hair aside and kissed my neck gently.
"Mmm good morning," he mumbled.
"Good morning," I repeated quietly before turning to face him. "What did last night mean?"
He looked a little surprised by my directness, releasing me and stepping back a couple of feet before responding, "Um - Well it meant a lot to me, what did it mean to you?"
"It meant a lot to me too," I said. "But that's not what I'm talking about. I mean where does that leave us? Are we back together? Was it just a one night thing? What does it mean?"
"I don't want to be a huge asshole here," he said, putting his hands up. "But I literally just woke up. I'm gonna need some caffeine before I can even begin to process any of those questions."
I sighed, "I know. Sorry."
I poured him a cup of coffee and handed it to him.
He smiled, "Don't apologize."
"Drink your coffee, I'm going to hop in the shower," I said.
"How about I join you?" He teased.
"Yeah that you're awake enough for," I retorted.
He grinned, cheekily.
"No," I said narrowing my eyes. "Not until we figure this out."
He pretended to pout and shooed me out of the room.
When I returned from the shower, he was sitting at the table talking on his phone.
"Okay I'll be right there," I heard him say before hanging up.
"Everything okay?" I asked.
"No," he said. "Krystal was in a car accident. She's at the hospital. I need to go to her."
"Oh yeah," I said, trying not to sound disappointed. "Of course. I hope she's okay."
"I'm so sorry," he said, pulling me into his embrace. "I can't leave her alone there. She needs me right now."
"I understand," I replied, pulling away from him. "Go. Keep me updated."
He nodded and quickly ran to the bedroom to get dressed.
"I love you, you know that right?" he asked when he came out.
"Yes," I said. "I love you too."
"I'll call you as soon as I can," he kissed me quickly and rushed out the door.
I sat down on the couch and buried my head in my hands.
Yet another obstacle had come between us and once again I was left to wonder if we were meant to be, would it have to be this hard?
I spent much of the morning keeping busy by working on homework and cleaning. By lunch I still hadn't heard from Taylor. I didn't want to call him because I didn't know what sort of state Krystal was in. All I knew was I couldn't sit there any longer. I grabbed my keys and headed to Jen's.
When I knocked on the door, Zac answered.
"Great," I muttered. I knew he wasn't going to be too thrilled to learn Taylor and I had slept together again. "Is Jen here?"
"She's in the shower," he said, allowing me room to come in. "What's up?"
"I just really need to talk to her," I said, going into the living room and sitting on the couch.
"About Taylor?" He asked, sitting in the chair across from me.
"H - how did you know?"
"I talked to Taylor last night before he went over to your place," he said.
"Oh?" I asked, a little surprised.
"I told him if he loved you that much he needed to go to you and tell you that. But now with Krystal being in that accident. I figured you'd be here eventually."
My eyes widened, "I don't know what to say."
"I know I was never a fan of you two," he started.
I scoffed.
"Okay I hated the idea," he chuckled. "I never got it. I thought you were just someone trying to cause trouble for us. But Tay and Ike really set me straight the last time you saw Taylor. When I was being a real dick to you right after you got outta rehab?"
"I remember," I said softly.
"I shouldn't have done that," he said, hanging his head down shamefully.
I shrugged, "It is what it is Zac."
"No," he said, shaking his head. "It's not. You didn't deserve that. I've grown up a lot and I realized what a shitty situation you were in, for most of your life. I am so sorry. If I could go back and slap some sense into my younger self I would."
I smiled, "Really, it's okay. Honestly your dickiness helped me too. I was still weak that last time I saw Tay. If you would've been nicer to me, then I probably would've done something really stupid. Something I wasn't ready for. I needed that extra push."
"Well then," he said with a half smile. "I guess you're welcome?"
I laughed, "Thank you."
"Have you heard from Tay since he went to the hospital?"
"No," I said. "I don't want to disturb him so I've been waiting to hear from him. But I couldn't sit home anymore thinking."
He nodded, "When Jen gets out of the shower how about I take you two out to lunch?"
"I'd like that," I said.
"So I take it you two slept together last night?" he asked.
I blushed, "Yeah."
"Are you two back together?"
I sighed, "There's the million dollar question. We didn't get a chance to talk about it. Last night - well let's just say there wasn't a lot of talk. And this morning I took a shower and when I got out he had gotten the call to go to the hospital."
"Well Taylor has wanted to be with you since he was 16," he said. "I can't see that changing."
"I know," I said. "But last night he said he just wanted one more night. That that's all he needed. So what if it was all he needed?"
"And what did he say this morning before he left?" he asked.
"That he loved me," I replied.
"Then I think you have your answer," he said, and squeezed my hand. "Don't give up hope. I know he loves you. He always has."
I smiled, "Thanks Zac."
"You here to steal my man now?" Jen teased coming into the room seeing Zac still holding my hand.
I laughed, "Not hardly!"
"Ew," Zac said, yanking his hand away. "She slept with Taylor. You think I'd want his sloppy seconds?"
Jen laughed, "So what's up?"
"Zac was just helping me with some advice about Taylor," I answered.
Her jaw dropped and she looked over at Zac, "Really?"
He grinned, "Yep. I'm officially on Team Amelia now."
I laughed, "Thanks."
"And now that you're out of the shower," Zac said, standing. "I'm taking you two beautiful ladies out to lunch."
"Well I never turn down a free meal," Jen smiled. "Even if I am confused."
Zac chuckled and kissed her, "Well explain on the way. Let's go."

Authors note:
Another short one but I really liked the Zac/Amelia moment. It felt necessary.

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