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A/n I kept this one how it is because I remember the place I was in while writing it honestly I'm better but this is what it is, I was hurting this is me healing.


He was toxic,
The kind that will mess you up for the rest of your life,

The habits she gained from that relationship will hunt her for an eternity,
Taunting her at every corner,
Each time he bursts in she crumbles,
The memories all to clear,


Walls high,
Walls surrounding her fragile heart, she has been broken beyond repair,
Yet she still stands,

She cannot crumble just yet,

It's an unforgiving cycle,
Toxic behaviour leads to toxic habits,
The poor girl she never deserved the pain she received,
So innocent so kind,

So broken,

It manifests like flames to paper,
Like a moth to your cupboard light,
He will stay with her for the rest of her life,

He was toxic,
But she survived,

The nightmares won't keep a hold of her any longer,

She maybe free from all the pain he caused one day.

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