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I once thought falling in love was a magical unknown factor,
A whimsical chemical reactor,

Bursting into flames,
Bound by chains,

Oh I was nieve then,
Nieve to think that love was just connections an reciprocation,

For I had never been in love truthfully,
Whole heartedly,

I once looked to the past,
I once dwelled on why we did not last,

No reasoning other than fact of my own nieve  brain and how I believed I had to be a certain way in order to fall for this TV romance,

Let the ceremony commence,

Between two souls who where so blindly led;

By false hope,
By false security,
By high standards and no way to follow them through,
By seeing so many fall at the same time,

At the end we fed,

The embers in the hopes they'd burt into flames,
In the hopes our pupils would dilate under the sun,

Because I once thought love was all the above,

Let me tell you it's not how any one describes,

In novels
In poems
Even your parents,

Love is your meaning make it mean something to someone.

Words Not Meant For The Mundane ✔Where stories live. Discover now