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I'm scared of my own brain,
Taunting my every decision,
As if to say I'm going to make your day another hell to remember,

Just for another one to come round all to quickly,
Its wickedness is cruel,

No time to recollect that days past,
Like nothing ever happened,
Just another twenty four hours seen through kaleidoscope glasses,

Time passes,

A million and one things to solve,
Time is moving way to fast for my liking,

Maybe I shouldn't be scared anymore,
I mean my brain is still full of wonder and passion,

You may not see such beautiful things,
I'm stuck in a fortress,
One fortified by messed up ideologies,

Colour is what I base the world upon,
It is a process once I have sadness or hatred the hues turn grey,
As if to say,
Dont enjoy that kaleidoscope anymore,

That is my brain I can no longer be scared.

Words Not Meant For The Mundane ✔Where stories live. Discover now