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Rushed versions of history,
They are but a mystery,

Heard by few,
Wanted by many,
You may have to flip a penny,
Heads you get to hear it,
Tails you dont,
Win or loose,
You choose,

They are ment to kept,
As they slept,
A piece of mind,
Relaxed at last,
Knowing the past stays past,

Telling a person a part of a story you wish no one else to hear,
The trust,
And commitment,
Dont snear,

They could be the biggest of stories,
Only heard at a whisper,
Or the smallest of lies,
Told by a hipster,

Whatever they are,
They are ment for your ears only,
A person maybe lonely,

They should be fortified,
Under lock an key,

But even then words can slip
Through the lip,
Of those who tend to loose grip,
On the reality of what secrets hold,

No one can hear that same story,
Oh the glory,
That feeling of pride,
When they have trusted enough to give you that key,
A sudden stride in each step,

They are ment to stay between pairs,
No one shares,
Maybe it was a trap,
Ready to go,
Pounce on the loudest in the crowd,

Secrets are built upon trust an power,
A balancing act of two halves,
But people will choose different paths,

At last there will be secrets I will take to my grave,
After I have past,
Never to be spoken from my lips,
But there is always going to be a broken chain,

Trust is hard to come by,
But when you think of all the words we shared look up to the sky,
Have faith that I made it right,
Hold those memories tight,
The ones people could only dream of,

Those are our secrets,
May we hold no such regrets.

Words Not Meant For The Mundane ✔Where stories live. Discover now