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⚠️A/n this poem touches on a sensitive topic I have written it not to trigger anyone but to spread awareness and understanding ⚠️


So my scars are fading,

I feel like a fraud a fake who suffered in silence,

I was painted as the crazy lady,
A high functioning sociopath maybe,

Screamed at for hurting,
Shunned for not talking,

Wishing to stay hidden behind a curtain,
As I continue walking,

Alone as I once where not saying a word,
Silent like the streets at 4 am on a week night,

No one saw this battle,
I gave few a fright,
I held up a fight,

Surly I'm strong for that,
Surly I'm not wrong for that,


I watched as the scars faded,
I watched as they became pale white lines that lay upon golden skin,
Like brush strokes on a canvas
Or tally lines dancing upon a prison cell,

We will all fight battles,
Mine was a silent scream,
For no one to hear,
For no one could have known they are faded,

In the past to stay there,
It may come an go as a reminder,
But I am here not far just near,

My scars have faded,

I am no fraud or fake,

I did suffer in silence,
And it took so much from me,

I am the crazy lady who defied the odds.

Words Not Meant For The Mundane ✔Where stories live. Discover now