A Big Problem

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Chapter 22

I dig out the Leatherman multi-tool and use the blade to cut through the lid on the tuna can while Solstice watches over my shoulder. When I get it open, she picks up the can and inspects it, bending down near the fire for better light. She pokes her finger in the water and tastes it.

"Jamie, we need to save this liquid. It could be nutritious for Toby and Cain."

I look at the tuna, then look over to Toby. She's right. Toby could drink it. I know it's not much, but it's better than nothing.

"Solstice, that's a wonderful idea. I'll try and give some to Toby tomorrow."

I'm not sure why she wants to give Cain tuna water or how she plans on doing that, but I guess it's okay. I'm not going to question it.

We move the two benches that were by the table close to the fireplace. I grab an empty water bottle from the ice chest. Using the lid from the tuna can, I squeeze as much of the tuna water into the empty bottle as possible and set it aside for later.

We set the ice chest between us and use it as a table. Since we don't have any plates or utensils, we eat the tuna with our fingers while munching on chips and chew on beef jerky. I open up another can of tuna to eat, saving the water from that can also.

Solstice gets a couple of purple fruits and carries them over. I pick one up and inspect it, noticing that it's about the size of a grapefruit, with the skin texture of a plum. Solstice cuts a slice with the Leatherman and hands it to me. I hold it by the fire and look it over, noticing that it's the same color on the inside as out. I put the slice in my mouth. Its consistency is very watery, and it tastes much like a plum.

She continues cutting slices of the fruit for us, and when she finishes with the first, she tosses the pit in the fire. After eating both of them, I wash my hands with a little water and offer Solstice some also.

"Well, that wasn't the best meal I ever had, but I think it was the most satisfying," I say.

"Yes, thank you, Jamie. I was starving. We should take care of Toby now."

I find the flashlight and walk over to Toby. Upon seeing the flashlight, Solstice immediately reaches for it and begins inspecting it. She turns it on and off a few times, shines it up and down, then checks it some more before handing it back to me. I don't say anything. I can't wait to hear her story.

She goes through the same routine with Toby that she did earlier at the boat, checking his temperature, heartbeat, pulse, and so forth, before turning to me.

"Solstice, what is it? Is there something wrong?"

"I'm very concerned because his fever is worsening. We need to check his wound."

We manage to wake Toby and shift him to a better position so we can tend to him, but he seems more incoherent now than he was earlier. I hold him sitting up while Solstice unwraps the compression bandage. When she gets the dressing off, I cringe at how bad the wound looks. There is a dark redness all around, with a little blood and fluid still oozing from it.

"Oh god, it doesn't look good, does it, Solstice?"

"I've seen worse. What concerns me is that we don't have any medicine to fight this infection, and his body may be too weak to fight it on its own. We will have to wait and see what happens."

"Do you think he can at least hang on for another day or so?"

"I would think that he could."

"Okay, at first light tomorrow, I'll go out to find help if you will stay with Toby and Cain."

Solstice looks up at me and starts to say something but then turns her attention back to Toby. She grabs a washcloth and the saline I gave her to use and begins cleaning the wounds.

"Jamie, there's something I need to tell you."

I look up at her, seemingly knowing what may be on her mind.

"Solstice, are you running from someone? I suspected it when I saw your dress ripped and the scratches on your legs and face, plus the fact that you are hiding out here."

"Yes, running from someone is an understatement, but I guess you can think of it for now as if I was running from someone."

"Are we in danger here? Do I need to be on the lookout for someone trying to harm us?"

"No, I don't think so. I'm almost certain that no one is going to find us here. But what I wanted to tell you is that I'm unable to nurse Cain."

I turn and stare at the baby for a few moments, then back at Solstice.

"How long has it been since you were last able to nurse him?"

"I was never able to nurse him."

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