The Connection

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Chapter 33

Back at the cabin, we find Toby still asleep. We lay Cain down and do a quick check on Toby. Then, I decide to collect our firewood for the evening and fill our empty water bottles from the creek before it gets too cold outside.

As I am descending the trail, I spook a herd of those deer again. It appears that the deer use this same trail to get to the creek, probably in the mornings also. I decide then that tomorrow morning I will try to hunt one.

I make it down to the sandy area and look left and right, up and down the creek. When I am confident everything is safe, I walk down to the water's edge and begin filling the first bottle—my goodness, how life has so quickly changed for me. I keep thinking I'll wake up from all of this, but every time I wake up, I'm still here. And then, in my mind, I see those kids again, mine and Solstices' kids, running around and playing. I try to erase the thought and focus on filling the bottles, but the harder I work to wipe it from my mind, the stronger it becomes. I finally give up and allow myself to think about our situation. Toby is quickly improving, and sex happens. By Solstices' assessment of the case, we'll probably be here for years, possibly forever.

I look up and down the creek, taking in the beauty of it, thinking about the four of us, and now wonder if 'stuck here' is an appropriate term anymore.

After filling the bottles, I hike back up the trail, gazing left and right at this fantasy setting, wondering how soon we will get to explore more of it. I set the water near the front door, and then go scout for firewood. After dropping the third armful by the cabin, I grab the backpack and water bottles and go inside.

"Hey, Solstice. I got us some firewood outside. I think I will get the fire started. It's already starting to cool off."

"Okay, I'll help. I've been playing with Cain, waiting for you to get back. Cain finally decided to take a nap. Do you think you could brush my hair after a while? It's very tangled, and I haven't brushed it in four days."

"Um, sure."

No one has ever asked me to brush their hair for them. Maybe this is something common in Nod, but I suppose I don't mind. We get our fire started, then I sit behind Solstice on the bench and begin brushing out her hair, hair as black as midnight.

"Solstice, will you tell me more about Nod?"

"Sure, is there anything in particular that you would like to know?"

"Well, can you tell me more of what you know about Nod in the beginning? I would also like to know more about this Passage."

"Sure. At the beginning of time, God created all of the galaxies, stars, and planets. Among the billions of planets, he chose two that we know of to sustain life. He named my planet Nod, and your planet Eden. In the Land of Nod, he created Seth and Isabel as the first humans. And of course, you know that in the Land of Eden, he created Adam and Eve. They were perfect humans, created in the image of God. The story says that both couples gave in to Satan's temptations, thereby separating themselves from their creator.

"Even though the two planets were an unimaginable distance apart, God created the Passage to allow the sons and daughters of Adam and Seth to travel between the two worlds to find mates."

I find myself fascinated by this version of the beginning of time, a story that I would have thought unbelievable if the proof wasn't sitting here in front of me.

"I'm sure you also know that about a hundred years later, one of Adam's sons, Cain, killed his brother Abel. We learned that God and the people of Eden were very disappointed with Cain. Cain later begged God's forgiveness and asked of him to dwell in the Land of Nod. God was merciful and allowed it to be so that in the Land of Nod, the people would not know the terrible sin he committed. It was probably around that time that God closed the doors to the Passage.

"Cain married a daughter of Seth and Isabel, whose name was Anna. Cain and Anna dwelt in the Land of Nod and lived for many hundreds of years. His firstborn son with Anna was named Enoch. Cain and Anna had many other sons and daughters and dwelt in a section of Nod that became known as the city of Enoch, named after his firstborn. They lived in harmony with the people of Nod and with God's commandments.

"The last son that Anna conceived was named Rabon. Rabon was lazy as an adult, and instead of becoming prosperous by work, he chose to become a thief, which led to him becoming a murderer. All of Rabon's offspring followed in their father's path, becoming thieves and murderers. They began waging war with neighboring villages, overthrowing the government leaders, and making slaves of the villagers.

"Later, the City of Enoch became known as the City of Rabon, a city run by thieves and labored by slaves. Its people became known as the Rabons. Even today, the Rabons still prosper.

"And that's a condensed version of the beginning of times in Nod. I'll tell you more later. Thanks for brushing out my hair. Would you like me to do yours now?"

I just realize that I'm stroking Solstice's hair with my fingers and immediately pull my hands back.

"Um, sure, mine's a mess as well."

I scoot forward, and Solstice now straddles the bench behind me, the hairbrush finding its way in my tangled hair.

"Solstice, is there anything else that you know about the Passage?"

"Besides what I have already told you, there is one other thing that I recently realized when I heard your story of how you got here."

"Okay, what is it?"

"It's about the wolf and how he guided you to find the Passage. The same animal also guided me here."

"Solstice, are ... are you sure?"

"Yes, a huge black wolf with a painted white face. A very mysterious yet beautiful animal."

"Why didn't you mention it before?"

"I didn't think that you would believe me then."

"Okay, I need to know how he led you here."

"After the Rabons launched the attack on us, Zelub told me to take Cain and run. I put him in the baby sling, having already planned to try and make it to my father's mercantile because I knew of a place for us to hide. However, when I took off running, I glanced back behind me. One soldier on horseback was pointing at me and speaking to two others. I knew that he was telling them to come after me.

"I looked ahead, thinking of a change in plan when I see this large wolf standing there on the edge of a small patch of woods near the creek. He was pacing back and forth, whimpering as if he wanted me to follow him, so I did.

"Before going into the woods, I looked back behind me again, and the two soldiers were only about forty yards away, heading in my direction. I didn't think that it was possible to escape them, but I had to try. I ran as fast as I could into the woods, following the wolf, and then I heard the soldiers coming. The wolf heard it also and stopped, looked back towards them, but I kept running. Shortly after, I heard the sound like that of an angry dog. Then I heard screams. I kept running, following the creek bank until I was out of breath and couldn't run any longer. I stopped and looked around at my surroundings, and it was then that I realized that something was strange. I didn't recognize where I was. So, I walked a little farther and came upon the trail leading up to the cabin."

"Wow, that is fascinating. So, if I comprehend this correctly, the wolf led us both into this Passage to protect us from danger. Will he not show up again to lead us out?"

"I don't think so, Jamie."

"Why would he lead us in here and not lead us out?"

"Because we're not in danger here."

"You don't know for sure that he won't show up."

"I don't. But there is just no evidence to support what you are saying."

"Solstice, when you saw Wolf on the edge of the woods, why did he not frighten you into running the other way?"

"Because it was not my first encounter with him. He once saved Zelub and me."

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