Fearing the worst

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Chapter 52

With Cain over my shoulder, I walk outside and stare up the hill behind the cabin once more. The air is starting to turn chilly, and the sun will be setting soon. Today marks the third day since Toby's departure. If he hadn't picked up on Solstice's trail, he should have been back by now.

I suppose the good thing about that is maybe he did pick up on her trail, and my theory about her walking through the Passage is wrong. Perhaps he's already found her.

I look towards the venison hanging over the fire and decide it had been over the smoking pile of brush long enough. I should probably bring it into the cellar. I walk back inside and lay Cain on the bed then go back out to the fire outside to retrieve the smoked meat, thinking how lucky I had been this morning with that group of deer wandering so close to the cabin. I stare up at the meat and pat myself on the back for having accomplished the task all by myself.

After getting the meat in the cellar, I go back inside and stir the pot of deer stew I started earlier. I pull a chunk of meat from the pot, thinking it should be almost tender enough to pull from the fire, wishing Toby and Solstice would burst through the door, wanting to share this with me.

I pull out my journal and write for a while, glancing at the door now and then, trying to keep hope alive. After about an hour, I walk outside and notice dusk has set in. I look up toward the hillside once more, my eye on the trail leading up to the grove where I'd caught my last glimpse of Toby leaving three days ago. I watch for him for a few moments, hugging myself to ward off the cold setting in for the evening. Disappointed, I walk back inside, pull the pot from the coals, and stoke the fire. I will be eating alone again.

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