My New Assignment

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Chapter 3

I finally get to my office building and look at my watch. Great, five minutes late already. I hate it when I show up late. I usually try to get here at least thirty minutes early, but it didn't happen today. To make matters worse, Tiffany is probably waiting for me.

I rush down the corridor towards the elevator and press the button to go up. When the doors open, it suddenly feels like Deja vu. Instantly, I gasp and take a step back. I can't do this today.

I climb the stairs as quickly as possible with my purse on one shoulder and my heavy laptop bag on the other. I finally get to the third floor, well out of breath, and open the stairwell door. I force a smile and greet Cheryl, our receptionist.

"Good morning, Jamie. Is there something wrong with the elevator?"

"No, I don't think so. Just thought I would take the stairs," I say, between heavy breaths.

"Jamie, are you okay this morning?"

"Yes, Cheryl, everything is fine. It's just that I didn't get much sleep last night. Is Tiffany in her office?"

"Yes, she is expecting you this morning. Go on in."

I walk to Tiffany Mancini's office at the end of the hall. Finding her door open, I step into the editor-in-chief's office.

"Good morning, Jamie. How are you this morning?" asks Tiffany, all bright and cheerful.

I drop my purse and laptop in one of the chairs across from her desk. Tiffany stands and walks around to greet me with a hug as usual. Today she is wearing a mid-thigh black skirt paired up with a blue and white top, dangling gold and silver earrings, and matching bracelets.

"Hi, Tiffany. You look great this morning. I love your outfit. It looks awesome on you."

"Thanks, Jamie. Are you doing okay? You look a little stressed this morning."

"Well, it's just that I got here late, and I didn't sleep well last night. Plus, I had this weird dream."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I know you are probably under lots of stress as the wedding day gets closer. That may explain the weird dream and not sleeping well."

"Yes, um, I wasn't going to bring up the wedding, but I'm sure that is the root of my stress. Tiffany, you're good at picking up on emotions. I've always thought that you have a sixth sense about you."

Tiffany giggles. "Yes, Jamie. I consider it a gift." She takes a sip of coffee, then picks up a folder from her desk.

"So, do you have a new project you want to talk to me about?" I ask.

"Yes, I do, and I'm very excited about it. But it will involve some travel on your part. First of all, have a look at this news clip I printed from the internet."


A farmer in Gonzales, LA, found five of his cattle killed and brutally mutilated Thursday. The local police investigated the scene, as well as the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fishery officials. But it seems that no one can explain the brutal attack on these cattle. According to the State Wildlife and Fishery, it is unlikely for it to have been coyotes since they usually don't attack mature cattle. There are no wolf packs in this part of the country. The only explanation could be a pack of wild dogs or possibly a mountain lion. But no evidence has been found to indicate that either. We spoke with Mr. Kiernan, the owner of Kiernan Farms and Livestock, and asked him what his opinion was.

"I don't know what happened here. No one that I know has ever seen anything like this happen before. But my superstitious neighbor thinks it's the Rougarou."

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