Pop's Bizarre Secret

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Chapter 6

We park at a boat dock somewhere on Lake Pontchartrain, where Toby rents a boat slip. He grabs his backpack and a small ice chest from the back seat while I gather my things and tie my hair up in a ponytail, then we head towards the lake.

Toby points out his boat as we approach, then helps me climb aboard. It's a gorgeous spring day, and the temperature is perfect for being outdoors. Lake Pontchartrain is so beautiful. As I look out across the water, I see many other boaters taking advantage of this gorgeous day.

Toby reaches into his backpack and hands me a tube of sunscreen. "Your fair skin looks like it burns easily. You may want to apply some of this."

"Thanks, I'm glad you brought some. I was so excited that I didn't even think about it."

I give Toby a little smile of appreciation as I remove my sandals and begin to apply sunscreen while Toby checks the boat. After applying sunscreen to my legs and arms, I attempt to apply some to my back. I catch Toby glance at me, and I pretend to struggle with applying the lotion.

"Can I help you with that?" he asks.

I smile shyly, "Please."

I could do it myself, but I'll gladly let him help me. I hand him the sunscreen tube, then turn my back towards him, sit up straight and move my ponytail out the way. An almost-orgasmic vibe runs through me as his hands make contact with my shoulders, and a low moan escapes my throat. God, this feels so good. Toby must sense that I am enjoying this because he starts working his fingers into my shoulder muscles, and I moan again louder this time, and Toby chuckles.

"Sorry," I say.

"For what?"

"Enjoying this." Crap. Shut up, Jamie.

He chuckles again. "Aren't you supposed to enjoy it?"

"Not this much." Toby chuckles, and I bite my lower lip to prevent me from embarrassing myself again. Oh god, those hands feel so good on me that I could sit here all day and let him do this. Toby continues rubbing in the sunscreen for a little longer, then pats my shoulder.

"Okay, that should do it."

"Thanks. I probably need some on my face," I say, remembering I had washed off my makeup before my nap. Toby hands me the sunscreen, but my nervous fingers don't grasp the tube in time, and it falls. Toby immediately reaches for it and accidentally rakes his fingers across my breast, his thumb making contact with my nipple. I gasp.

"I'm sorry," he says.

"It's okay."

Is it okay? Was that the proper thing to say?

Toby chuckles. "Here," he says, handing me the tube, "I better let you finish up the rest."

I manage a smile as I reach for the tube, my breast on fire from his touch.

Toby starts the engine, and we are on our way. After I finish applying sunscreen, I sit back and absorb the beautiful weather and abundant sunshine as he navigates the boat through the lake. Waterbirds fly above us with slow rhythmic flaps of their wings. Other boaters cross our paths and wave to us, probably thinking we're a couple. I smile and wave back energetically, letting them believe what they wish. I glance at Toby, and we both smile at one another, then I give him an unexpected wink and smile even deeper. God, what has gotten into me? I just broke my engagement with my fiancée two days ago, and I'm already flirting. Shouldn't I be in mourning instead?

After about fifteen minutes, the scenery starts to change. Cypress trees with Spanish moss begin to make their appearance. Toby slows the boat when the water appears to be getting shallower.

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