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I'm shooting a video for the team all day today, but I have a break right now wbu?
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Not much, I'm about to go grocery shopping for my mum but then I will probably just work out and play some games Pretty boring :D
let's play some games together, when I get home tonight! wow, I just realized that sounds like I'm coming home to you like as in our shared house or something like that, do you know what I mean? omg sometimes I feel like you're the native english speaker here and not me :D
Haha yes, I know what you mean. That would be nice, if you could just come here and I could see you But gaming together sounds great too, of course :)
looking forward to it <3
Me too <3
Charles turned around to face his boyfriend, who was lying next to him, mindlessly scrolling on his phone.
"I think Arthur has a boyfriend." he said and immediately gained Max' full attention. "What?", the Dutchman asked, putting his smartphone down.
"He's constantly on his phone, always texting and smiling at the screen like an idiot.", Charles explained. "And one time I could see the contact he was texting was called 'Little Spoon' and then a heart emoji on his phone." He couldn't help but grin at these words.
"Aw, that's really cute!" Max exclaimed, smiling down at his boyfriend. "Yes, it is. But why hasn't he told me about him? I want to meet him and see if he's good enough for my little brother!" The monegasque's smile faded and he furrowed his brows now.
"Oh baby, I think that's the exact reason why Arthur hasn't told you yet. He's afraid that you won't like his boyfriend and scare him away. I know you're his big brother and you want to protect him, but you can't intrude his relationship like that. You'll just have to wait until they are ready to tell you." Max laughed and kissed his cheek, as Charles huffed in response to that, not being happy with just waiting.
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finally on my way home now!
Can't wait to talk to you :) Max is staying here at the moment, so he and Charles have acted like they are glued together non stop Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy for them but that makes me feel really lonely sometimes
oh, I can imagine I feel really lonely too sometimes, especially the last few weeks, when I was completely self isolating. Now I can at least see other people when I'm at McLaren orsomething like that but it's not quite the same
I'm home now, can I call you?
A big smile spread across Lando's face, as his phone started ringing only a few seconds after he had sent the message.
"You can always call me, little spoon."
"Good, talking to you always helps me, when I'm feeling sad and alone."
"Yeah, hearing your voice really does help, thank you. But now it also makes it worse because I keep imagining that you could be here just like Max and that makes me feel even more lonely because you're so far away."
"Oh god, I wish I could just fly over to Monaco immediately."
"Be careful, I would probably never let you go home again."
Lando didn't know when or how their slight banter and teasing each other from time to time had just turned into constant flirting that really couldn't be denied or interpreted differently anymore, buthe was definitely not mad about it. After all he was now pretty sure that Arthur liked him back, at least a little bit.
But how was it even possible to miss a person you had only ever really met briefly once or twice, this much?
Another one because I couldn't stop myself :) I love this pairing far too much!