Field Trip (Pt. 16) - The One... The Only... Tony Stank

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So I recently learned that everyone's favorite character so far is Mike. I would say that he would be happy to hear that, but I think y'all know that Mike wouldn't be phased in the least.

But for real ma bois, this is insane. It's so cool that you guys are not only connecting with my interpretation of the characters of the MCU, but also with a character that I created myself. So yeah, I'm just going to go on a rant about how great you guys are.

You guys leave the sweetest and funniest comments ever. Honestly, you don't know how happy it makes me when I get a comment that just says "Hey Sophia, I love your stuff, I hope you're doing well." It warms my heart and gives me butterflies that you guys are so caring and understanding. It's very few and rare that I get hate comments, and they are far outnumbered. Thank you!

As of right now, when I'm writing this, this story has 140k reads, which is absolutely crazy! Thank you all so much for being a part of this. These past few years on Wattpad have 100% changed me as a writer and as a person.

Also sorry for not updating for... 7 months... eheh...

But enough with the sappy stuff! Let's see some action! *that's what she said*

     The second I exit Bruce's lab, the hairs immediately shoot up on the back of my neck. Whipping my head around to look up the hallway I see Flash, standing against the wall, Troy Bolton style, waiting for me. Although they are not visible, I can hear my classmates further up the hallway.

     Warily eying Flash, I slowly traipse up the hall, my vision never leaving him. He waits until I get close enough to him that he can talk quietly before he speaks. "You just can't take a hint, can you, Parker?"

      I'm done playing his games.

      I stand unmoving and stare at him, firmly and with my jaw set. When he realizes I'm not going to speak, he continues. "Wow, silent treatment? Real mature." 

     He starts to circle my front, and my unwavering gaze follows, with just my head moving. "Oh, no moving either, huh?" He gibes. "What if I were to-" He stops mid-sentence and flashes forward, bringing his hand up, trying to get me to flinch. I don't so much as blink.

     "Woooowwwww!" He exclaims, in exaggerated admiration. "You think you're tough now, yeah? Don't forget who gave you that shiner." I can't believe he thinks he's intimidating. "Stop trying to beat me, Parker!" 

He glowers, getting frustrated when he can't get me to talk. "You can't beat me at these games! You tried to make me look bad in front of every Avenger for the past two days. And now, you're trying to take MJ away from me? Well, I have news for you. You can't win, Parker! I'm smarter than you, faster than you, and stronger than you. I'm one step ahead. And I'm going to prove that you don't know Tony Stark. You can't weasel your way out of this one! I'm going to make sure that everyone knows that you're a fraud! And I'm going to make your life a living hell while I'm at it. Got it?"

      It takes everything in me not to slap him, but I exercise my self-restraint and don't move a muscle. He smirks that god-awful smirk and turns to head up the hallway. Pausing a few seconds to take a deep breath and calm down, I unclench my fists and follow at a distance.

      Turning the corner to the elevator, I come across my classmates, loudly conversing. I recognize Ned's voice first and see him standing next to Mike, who remains unresponsive in his facial expressions. 

      "Where'd you get the spray bottle?" Ned asks Mike excitedly, probably still buzzed from meeting his idol, Bruce.

     "I don't know, dude."

Field Trip to Stark Industries- Peter Parker/ Spider-ManWhere stories live. Discover now