Chapter two

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(Your POV)
I opened my eyes as the light shined into my room.  I sat up and looked over at my alarm clock, it was 6:30 am. I sighed and threw my covers off. I shivered as I placed my feet on the cool hard wood.  (D/N) heard me moving about and came running into my room with a big slobbery smile. I stood up and placed my hand gently on his head, " wanna go for a walk, boy?" I asked in a a tired voice. His ears perked up and he ran towards the door in anticipation. I pulled on a pair of pants, a coat and some shoes as I headed out of my room. I grabbed the leash hanging up near the door and struggled to clip it on his collar. I opened the door and (D/N) bolted out, dragging me down the steps. Luckily I had managed to close the door before he yanked me all the way down. I tightened my grip on his leash and looked up to see what he was trying to go after. I saw a tall man with silvery hair and rather dashing suit standing at the end of my drive way. I slowly made my way towards him and pulled my dog closer to me so he couldn't jump on the man. "Hello." He said in an accented voice. I couldn't quite put my finger on where the accent was from. "Good morning!" I said in a cheerful tone as I stepped a bit closer to him. I pulled my coat tighter around my frame to protect me from the cool winds that tried to pass through. I shivered a bit and stuck my hands in my pockets. The man looked at my dog and then at me with a small smile lightly gracing his lips. " I'm Dr.Hannibal Lecter." He said reaching his hand out towards me. I pulled my hand out of my pocket and placed it in his. " I'm (Y/N) (L/N)" I said as he shook my hand firmly. I didn't want to move my hand as his hands were far warmer than mine but, out of fear of making him uncomfortable I stuffed my hands back in my pocket. "You teach art do you not?" He asked looking past me and at my house. It was modestly sized, fairly neat lawn and a bright red door. I nodded and looked over at my dog who was patiently waiting for permission to jump all over Dr.Lecter. " I do, would you like my business card?" I asked looking back over at him. I saw something flash in his eyes as he looked over at me. "Yes, that would be appreciated." He said. I nodded and searched around in my pockets hoping I had left one in there. Sadly, I had not. "Let me fetch one from inside real quick" I mumbled as I walked my dog back up the steps. I opened my door and reached in towards the small table that sat to the right of the door. I grabbed a few cards cutting my finger in the process. I winced and pulled my finger up to my mouth sucking up the blood. I closed my door and headed back down the driveway towards Dr.Lecter. He smiled as I handed him one of my cards. He looked down at it and then back up at me. "I'll be calling you then." He said as he put the card into his coat pocket. I nodded and smiled " That'd be lovely." I said looking over at him. "I'll let you go on you walk now, have a good day." He said as he turned and headed down the opposite side of the street. I said a quite goodbye as I begin to jog along with (D/N) down the street. It didn't hit me till much later how odd that whole interaction was. How did he know where I lived? Why was he waiting for me? I brushed it off not wanting to scare myself.

(3rd person POV)

Hannibal set the business card he had gotten from Mr.(L/N) down on his counter. He noticed a blood stain on the corner of it and smiled a bit. He raised the corner of the card to his lips and hummed. The salty coppery taste of Mr.(L/N)'s blood stirred something inside him. He wanted to taste more of it, more of him. He had gone to visit him today because he wanted to meet the man Jack was so convinced had killed all those men. Meeting him had taken away most of his suspicion but, you couldn't always be sure. Still, he seemed like a quiet shy man who wouldn't ever hurt least not without a little coercion.
No, this killer had to be someone else. He would soon find out who.

(3rd person POV)

Will Graham stepped out of his car and and wiped the fog from his glasses as he walked over to Jack Crawford. "So what is it this time?" Will questioned trying to look over at the crime scene. "Another murder." Jack said in a serious tone. "You think it's the same guy?" Will asked turning his attention toward Jack. "That's what I was hoping you'd answer but, I think so." Jack said crossing his arms. Will lifted up the police tape and headed towards the body. "Everyone out!" Jack shouted as he stepped back from the crime scene to give Will space. Will stood over the body and closed his eyes. He could see how the killer did it. He knew why...or at least thought he did. He mumbled incoherently then opened his eye. "This is my design." He said quietly before turning and heading towards Jack. " it's the same man." He said looking down at his feet. Jack only nodded. "What's the motive, Will?" He questioned. Will shook his head and looked over at the body. " I'm not sure but, he's definitely trying to send a message to someone." Jack looked at him and raised an eyebrow " A message?" Jack repeated back to him. Will nodded and faced towards Jack " he's saying, "back off" ". Jack raised and eyebrow at Will and then turned towards his car. " I think we may have to pay Mr(L/N) a visit again.

——-author's note———
I know it's not so interesting rn but, I really wanna make it suspenseful! I'll continue with the next part soon! I hope you're enjoying it so far

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