Chapter 6

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Your POV

It was my first day on surveillance. The only place I was allowed to go was Dr.Lecter's office. I wasn't even allowed to buy my own groceries, the fbi provided me with all the food I needed for a week. There was a car outside my house twenty four hours a day, sometimes the cars switched off but, there was never a moment I wasn't being watched. Except when I went to see Dr.Lecter. Something about him put me on edge but, at the same time thrilled me. Just being in the same room as him set my body on fire. He felt dangerous some how but, that excited me.

Hannibal's POV (your first session)

Although Jack thought it would be a bad idea, I convinced him to let me take Mr(l/n) on as a patient. Although it was unlikely, I had to know if he really knew I was the Chesapeake Ripper.  I wanted to get inside his brain and pick it apart.  "You paint, do you not?" I asked as I settled in the chair across from him. "I-I do.." he answered nervously looking any where but, me. " I'm an artist as well." I said not looking away from him. People were easy to read, most were open books. While (y/n) was easy to read, it seemed as if he had a few pages missing. Pages he didn't even know were gone. I knew what it was like...having your memories ripped away from you. I saw potential in Mr. (l/n), I just didn't know what kind. He turned towards me, "Really?" He questioned excitedly, his eyes lighting up but, still not meeting mine. "Can I see?" I nodded and stood up making my way towards my desk. I grabbed a few papers and handed them to Mr.(y/n) before sitting back down. "Be careful not to smudge it." I said watching him as he looked through the drawings. He nodded and stared wide eyed at my work. "These are incredible!" He said looking up at me being sure to avoid my eyes. "I use a scalpel to sharpen my pencils, allows me to get greater detail." He looked as if he had taken mental note of that and went back to admiring my work. After a moment he handed them back. " I saw some of your work." I said hoping to get a reaction out of him. He gripped his pant leg."Y-you did?" He questioned in a shaky voice. He kept his head down and gripped his pants tighter. "Yes, the pieces you started in your living room. He let out a quiet sigh of relief and looses the grip on his pants.


"Yes, the pieces you started in your living room." Dr.Lecter said in a smooth voice. I let out a quiet sigh of relief. He didn't see the paintings of the ripper then. Thank heavens, although they were my best work, I know they were twisted. Then I remembered the painting I had done just before the fbi came to my house. I had painted him...Dr.Lecter as the Chesapeake Ripper. I felt my body go cold and I looked up at Dr.Lecter. I saw in his eyes, he had seen the painting. He smiled at me " You're a wonderful artist." He said not changing his tone.  " T-thank you..." I said looking away from his face. I looked at the floor as I felt my face heat up. He knows...He knows...He knows.
Those words repeated in my head over and over until they didn't sound like real words anymore.  I wanted to leave but, I also wanted him to say...anything. I could feel his eyes on me. It felt like a predator watching its prey struggle under it's paw. He had seen my art room...he had seen my painting. What did he think of me? He probably thought I was insane...he's my psychiatrist...what do I do...

~~~~Time Skip~~~~


He knows I know. I wasn't upset by that fact but, rather amused. I wanted to see how he would react...I liked watching him squirm. I wanted to continue this game. What would he try to do? Did he really know I was the ripper or was it simply a coincidence he painted me that way? Only time would tell.

Will's POV

We were getting no closer to catching the killer than before. Maybe (l/n) was the killer after all...most of the signs pointed to him but, something was missing. At this point it'd be easier if it was him.  Ever since I agreed to help Jack again, I had been loosing sleep and...seeing things. No one was forcing me to stay but, I felt obligated. Catching the killers gave me a rush, a since of purpose. Who was I without this? My since of self had come into question recently too, more and more the line between me and the killers had been thinning and it terrified me. I hoped that I wouldn't get to close to this one. 

Author's note:
I hope you enjoyed this part, I'm sorry it's so short! I hope to make chapters a little more consistently! I'll definitely write one or two over winter break so watch out for that!
I wrote it in a bit of a hurry because I wanted to get another part out so I'm sorry if it's not very good.

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