Chapter 10

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(Y/N's POV)
"I hope you don't mind, I have an unexpected guest." Dr.Lecter said as he closed the door gently behind me. I was standing so close to him now, my heart was beating quicker and quicker. He made me so afraid...but I liked it. "O-oh...that's alright...who is it?" I was disappointed it wouldn't just be the two of us but, at the same time I was a little relived. "Why don't I introduce you two?" He said with a small smirk forming at the corner of his lips. Something sinister shined in his eyes and it sent a chill down my spine. He held his arm out for me to grab and looked down at me "it's this way." He spoke in a softer tone than usual. I wrapped my arm around his and tried to hide the blush I felt creeping onto my face. He guided me down the hallway. I couldn't help but, notice the beautiful artwork that lined the walls. His house was so amazing and refined. It matched him in everyway. As we approached the dinning room my heart dropped. Wyatt was sitting at the table...well he was tied to a chair in front of the table. I stopped dead in my tracks and look up at Dr.lecter. "W-what the hell is going on here?" Wyatt whipped his head around at the sound of my voice and stared directly at me. "What is he doing here???" He asked raising his voice. Dr.Lecter slithered his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. "He's here for dinner. You've interrupted our date." He put emphasis on the last word slowly bringing his face down towards mine. I felt my heart stop and my breath leave my body as his lips locked onto mine. Before I could kiss back he pulled away and turned to face Wyatt. Wyatt's fave was turning completely red in anger. He started thrashing around in his chair trying to get out of the ropes. "Now now, no need to get worked up." Hannibal said walking towards him. Wyatt continued to thrash about before squeezing out of his now loose restraints. Hannibal stopped for a moment as if giving Wyatt a chance to attack him. Wyatt ran past Hannibal and straight towards me. He pulled me close to him and held my chin inching nearer and nearer to my face. I was in shock. I could hardly move. His lips touched mine and a wave of sickness came over me. I pushed him off of me and ran towards Hannibal. Wyatt grabbed my arm "WHY ARE YOU GOING BACK TO HIM?!?!" He screamed at me. He tried to pull me back into his arms but, without thinking I grabbed a knife from the table and threw it at his stomach. It landed in him with a loud Thunk sound. He looked me in my eyes, he seemed so hurt. A part of me felt so horrible but, another part of me felt proud. I had finally fought back against him. He stumbled out of the room and down the hall making his way towards the front door. Hannibal didn't move to catch him. "You're just going to let him go??" I asked looking up at him. He didn't say anything or even look at me he just silently moved past me and shut the front door after Wyatt had left. I had so many questions raving in my mind. Why did Hannibal tie Wyatt up?? Why was Wyatt here in the first place?? Suddenly I felt woozy. My body started to fall backwards and my vision started to close in. I wasn't completely aware of what was going on around me but I felt myself hit the floor and Hannibal lift me up.

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