Chapter Three

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TW: Kind of Sexual Harassment 

(Your POV)

I looked down and my wrist watch and then around the living room. I had around thirty minutes to set up and clean the room for my next group class. I called for my dog as I picked up a few things that were laying on the floor. (D/N) came running into the room and sat at my feet waiting for instruction. I patted his head and pointed towards his crate. He slowly walked over to it. He stepped inside and spun around trying to find a comfortable spot. He laid down and looked up at me with sad eyes. I hated having to put him in there but, I didn't want him bothering my students.
My group class was open to anyone so I had no idea who was going to show up tonight. Well...I had some idea. There was this one man who showed up to every group class. He was nice but, always gave me an uneasy feeling. 

I sat on my couch and looked over at the clock on my wall. It was 6:25pm, five minutes before class started. I knew a few students would show up early so I went over to the art table and just straightened up a bit. I heard a knock at the door and sighed. I knew who it was, he was always early, always. I slowly walked over to the door and placed my hand hesitantly on the door knob. I turned it as slow as I possibly could trying to prolong having to talk to him as much as I could. I hated being rude but, he made me so nervous. I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't want him in my classes anymore so I just let him stay. I had finally opened the door and my fears were confirmed. It was him...he was tall with messy blonde hair brown eyes, a strong jawline, and broad shoulders. If he didn't make me so uncomfortable I'd find him very attractive.  He looked down at me and smiled, "good evening" he said in a deep voice. He had a heavy southern accent, which wasn't surprising seeing as we lived in Virginia. He reached out his hand for what I assumed was a handshake. I slowly put my hand out to meet his. He firmly gripped my hand and instead of shaking it pulled it up to his lips. My face heated up and I looked away not wanting him to see. He chuckled and let go of my hand. " It's lovely to see you again, (Y/N)." He said as he walked past me and towards the table.  I held my tongue as I followed him. I hated when he called me by my first name but, I'd never tell him that, some how I got the feeling  he liked getting inside my head.  I heard another knock at the door and let out a quiet sigh of relief. I didn't have to be alone with him anymore, I thought as I headed over to the door to greet another student. It was a young woman who was significantly shorter than me with long straight brown hair and tan skin. Even though she was smaller than me, I still felt 1,000% safer. I looked down at my watch and smiled to myself. More students would be showing up very soon.  I stood near the door and silently watched my students interact. I'd never seen the woman before but, she seemed sweet.  Another knock sounded next to me. I opened the door and smiled at the three men standing in my door way. They were all around the same height, the one on the left had black curly hair and dark brown skin, the man in the middle was much older than the other two and had gray hair and small round glasses that seemed to constantly slide off his nose, and the one on the right had curly ginger hair and a thousand tiny freckles scattered across his face. The two younger students were new but, the older man had come to my classes a few times before. I motioned for them to come in and closed the door behind them. Not expecting anymore students I followed the group to the table. They all looked towards me for instruction.  " Hello everyone!" I said in a warm tone "I'd like to start class by everyone introducing themselves! Not only is this a place to learn art, it's also a great way to make new friends!" I sat down in the chair behind me and everyone else followed.   "I'll go first" I said crossing my legs and placing my hands onto my lap. " My name is (y/n) (l/n) but, I'd prefer you call me Mr.(l/n)" I looked around at the group and waited for a response. "Hello, Mr. (l/n). My name is Greg Asher!" The older man spoke up. "My name is Lucía Do Léon" the young woman said in a quiet voice. " My name is Wyatt Lawson but, I'm sure you already knew that, Mr.(l/n)"  Wyatt said turning his head to look at me. It felt as if his cold dead eyes were piercing into my soul. I shivered and looked down at my feet hoping he'd take that as a sign to leave me alone.  The ginger man noticed that I felt uncomfortable and spoke up " My name is Elijah Jones" he looked over at Wyatt and gave him a look as if to say back off. Wyatt raised an eyebrow at him smirked slightly. He felt challenged.  "And what's your name?" I asked trying to break the uncomfortable silence.  The man with dark skin raised his head and look around "My name is William Smith" he said as a warm smile graced his lips. I felt my heart skip a beat when he looked at me with his shiny brown eyes. I cleared my throat and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "L-let's get class started." I mumbled as I stood up and gathered all my materials. Everyone else grabbed the same things I did and sat back down at their seats waiting for instruction.   Class went fairly well and Wyatt pretty much left me alone the whole time, I think he sensed my attraction towards William though and glared at him throughout the whole class.

   I said my goodbyes and everyone headed out the Door except for Wyatt. I looked down at the ground and gripped the side of my pants trying to calm myself down, he filled me with more fear than I've ever known. He hadn't ever given me a reason to be afraid, he was just flirty but, something about him seemed off. He walked up to me and grasped my chin with his long cold fingers. My eyes widened and my stomach dropped. My body froze and went stiff as he loomed over me. He lifted my head up so that I was looking at him. He smiled as he looked into my eyes. " Could you direct me to the bathroom, dear?" He said slowly getting closer to my face. I nodded slowly and pointed towards the stairs " f-first door on the right" I mumbled quietly. He thanked me and let go of my chin. He walked up the stairs and left me standing alone in my living room. I was shocked and relieved that, all he wanted was the directions to the bathroom.

(Wyatt' POV)
As I had done many times before I walked down the hall and towards (Y/N)'s bedroom. As I opened the door, I glared up at the painting he had lining the walls. I hated that he admired someone else work. Of course he didn't know about mine yet but, I'm sure once he does that Chesapeake ripper won't even be a thought in his pretty head. I pulled a small device out of my pocket and placed it in between some books that laid on his dresser. I took out my phone and opened up the app connected to the device, I could see what it saw. I smiled to myself and slipped my phone back into my pocket. If (y/n) found out he'd be angry but, I was doing it for his own good. I am the only man good enough for him. I hummed in satisfaction and head back down the hall.

(Your POV) 
Mr.Lawson walked down the stairs and then made his way over towards me. He placed a small kiss on my cheek and without a word headed out the door. I shook, yelled, and stomped a few minutes after he had left. I was filled with rage and I couldn't contain it. I hated that man. He thought he could do whatever he wanted with me. I wanted to slam my head against the wall but, instead punched it as hard as I could. It wasn't until the adrenaline wore off that I felt the stinging pain in my knuckles. I looked down at them and winced. They were dark purple and covered in blood. I looked at the spot I punched and sighed. There was a dent in the wall. I was more upset that for all the pain all I managed to do was make a small dent than I was that there was a dent in the wall in general. I headed towards the freezer and took out a bag of peas and placed it on my hand.  I heard (D/N) whine and walked over to his crate. I unlatched it and headed towards the door. Both of us severely needed fresh air.

(3rd person POV)
Jack Crawford and Will Graham lifted up the police tape and walked onto the crime scene. "It's the same guy." Will said as he looked over at the two bodies. "He's starting to 'perfect his craft'" Will stated as he walked closer to get a better look at the scene. " I agree " said Jack flatly.  The bodies were around the same height, both males, one had dark skin and brown eyes and the other had curly red hair. The one with red hair's were missing  and the other had his heart removed, and teeth smashed in. "It feels more personal this time" Will said "He's never put this much feeling into it before, he's trying to impress someone."
"Who, will?" Jack asked looking over at Mr.Graham with worry in his eyes. " Do you think its another killer" he asked. Will shook his head. "I don't know." He muttered "but, there's one way to find out." He said a little louder turning to face Jack.

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