Chapter five

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Your POV
I didn't say a word as Agent Crawford shoved me into the car. I knew that no matter what I said I wasn't getting out of this. They thought it was me...why would I kill my students? Not only was it morally wrong but, financially too. Without students I couldn't afford to eat or pay my bills. It wouldn't make sense to kill them...
"What are you going to do with my dog?" I asked abruptly. "Normally we would send him to the pound but, I know someone who'd be willing to take him in. Don't worry, he'll be in good care." Agent Crawford said looking at me through his rearview mirror. I sighed in partial relief. (D/N) would be ok but, I didn't like the idea of him going to some stranger. I didn't have any friends who could take care of him though. I always thought friends were a waist of time but, now I really wish I had some. Maybe if I did, I'd have an alibi for the nights those men got murdered. I had secretly hoped the killer would strike again just so they'd let me go. I knew it was wrong but, I didn't want to go to prison for something I didn't do.

Will's POV
Jack had called me to aid in the searching of Mr.(L/N)'s house. He wanted me to "work my magic" and see if I could find any evidence. Jack treated me like a circus animal...someone who could do tricks on command. I shook my head in annoyance as I stepped up to the house. Before I walked in I heard a voice call out behind me. "Will!" I turned around to see Dr.Lecter walking up the driveway. " Why are you here?" I asked trying to hide the irritation in my voice. "Jack called me, he said there was something I had to see." He walked passed me then looked over his shoulder "Upstairs." He stated before walking into the house. I followed in after him.

Hannibal' POV
As I walked into the house I studied the art scattered around the living room. It was nice but, felt like it was missing something. I made my way up the stairs. More paintings lined the hallway but, they were lacking something as well. Almost like all of Mr.(L/N)'s emotions were used on something else. "Down here!" An agent called out. "You'll need to see this.." I walked past him and into the room. I felt my stomach drop. All around me were beautiful depictions of my work and in the center of the room was a picture of me and Mr. (L/N) standing over a body. He was merely watching as I committed the murder. All the feelings the other paintings were missing had been found. This was his true passion. Me. I had to talk to him, I needed to get inside his head. What did he think of me. How did he know I was the Chesapeake ripper?

3rd person POV

(Y/N) sat across from Jack Crawford in a cold metal chair. Discomfort and annoyance radiating off of him. He knew he wasn't meant to be there and was more than upset that Agent Crawford thought he did. "Do you know why you're here?" Agent Crawford asked. Without looking up (Y/N) responded with a gruff "Yes." "So, you're admitting you did it?" Agent Crawford asked raising an eyebrow. He was trying to break the man down. (Y/N)'s head shot up "No! I didn't do it!" He said loudly. " You knew all these men though, didn't you?" "Barely" (Y/N) looked around the room then back down at his feet. "They were my students. Besides the fact that I would never kill anyone, it would be money out of my pocket to do so." "I know you're not the killer." Will said walking into the room. Jack raised an eyebrow and looked over at Will. "Oh?" He questioned. "But, you do know the killer...or the killer knows you" He continued seemingly ignoring Jack. "Would you be willing to be interviewed?" Will asked pulling up a chair. "Interviewed?" (Y/N) questioned looking up at Will. " It'll help us catch the real killer." Will said flatly.

Your POV
  I wanted to catch the killer as soon as possible but, if I were to be interviewed word would get out about my students and I'd lose business...
"Who would do the interview?" I asked looking down at my lap. "I would." A woman's voice sounded from the other side of the room. "I'm Freddie Lounds" she said putting her hand out to greet me. I looked at her hand and then up at her. " I know who you are." I said bitterly. She had written about the Chesapeake Ripper multiple times. She wrote him like a monster and I knew she'd do the same to me but, it might be my only way to get out of this. "Fine, I'll do it" I said looking over at Will.

  Death DaVinci....that's what they dubbed me...god, I hated the names they came up with. The article made me look like the killer...Mr.Graham had hoped that if they gave me credit for the murders the real killer would get angry and reveal himself. They kept me under surveillance for a week until the killer made his move. During that time they made me visit Dr. Hannibal Lecter. They found my paintings concerning and thought it in the best interest of everyone that I seek professional help...

Authors note!!
Howdy! Next chapter will be about the week leading up to the next kill! You and Hannibal will finally have a real conversation lol. If you guys want me to start making it a little more romantic and what not please let me know! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next chapter will be coming out shortly.

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