Chapter 7

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Author's note: This chapter will be told entirely by the pov of the killer (also sorry it's taken me forever!)
TW: Violence,Gore, Description of sexual feelings (if this bothers you skip till the end for a summary of this chapter)

I remember that day like it was yesterday, the day I met him. He was perfect in every way. We were meant to be. It was a Wednesday in October, the 4th I believe. It was chilly outside and he wore a long coat and a scarf. He was on his way to grab coffee when I first sat him. Immediately his gorgeous (h/c) locks and big (e/c) eyes stood out to me. I had never see someone so beautiful. I followed him for a block or two before he went into the coffee shop. I saw my chance. I went in after him and stood close behind him in line. A small black coffee, that's what he ordered. So simple, yet so elegant. I stepped up to the counter and he started to walk away, I stuck my foot out slightly and he stumbled forward. Right before he hit the floor I caught him but, let his coffee drop. He looked up at me and turned bright red, his hand were against my chest and mine were around his waist...he was like a small bird, cold, fragile, helpless. His sent filled my nose. I remember it so well, a soft warm smell, like a summer morning in the country. I wanted him so bad. I needed him. "My apologies, are you alright?" I asked looking him in his eyes. His gaze darted towards the floor "u-um yes..I'm u-uh um sorry.." he spoke softly. His voice was like music, smooth and clear. I needed to hear him call my name. He stepped back from me and quickly started gather napkins and scrambled to clean up the coffee. A minute or two later of him desperately wiping the floor and rushed outside. I looked towards the cashier, "a small black coffee, please.". Later when no one was outside of the coffee shop I had dug through the trash can he had thrown his cup away in till I had found it. I turned it over and traces the letters with my thumb. "(Y/n)" I whispered, a shiver went up my spine, I wanted to call out to him. I had never wanted anything more in my life. I wanted to pin him down and ravenge him, my small bird. I wanted to hear him beg for more and scream my name in pleasure. I wanted him to obey me. I wanted to see his pretty (e/c) eyes look up at me while he sat on his knees in front of me. I wanted to choke him till he whispered breathlessly out for me to stop. I wanted him.

After that moment I had waited near the coffee shop everyday, waiting for him. I never approached, only watched. I memorized his schedule, he was there every day at 7:00 am mostly on the dot. He was only late a handful of times. He always ordered the same thing. He was predictable but, I liked that. It made it easy to guess where he'd be next. One day, he had put a flyer on the bulletin outside of the coffee shop. When I inspected it further I found it to be for his art classes, private and group, at his home. This was it, this was how I could get close to him. I had no interest in art but, I needed him.

(TW: MENTION OF GORE AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE) The night of the first class was also the night of my first kill. I had killed birds, cats, small dogs, and things of that nature before but, never a person. I was the first person to show up. When he welcomed me in he didn't seem to recognize me, that had hurt my feelings but, later I had realized why. Some pig had been distracting him, another man from the art class, George something...he was a short man with curly red hair and freckles all over his face. He was plain and uninteresting. He had been seeing MY (y/n), fucking MY (y/n). It disgusted me to my core. They stood close to each-other the whole class and I couldn't stand it, I felt my blood boiling with rage when they looked over at one another. After the class I waited on the street in my black car, watching the house. I had seen them through the top bedroom window...touching, undressing, kissing. When George had finally left I followed him back to his apartment. I had watched carefully to see which one was his and after an hour of waiting I made my way up the fire escape and slowly opened his window. He was in the living room slobbishly drinking on the couch. He was half asleep and hadn't noticed me come in. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He got startled and began to thrash around but, couldn't escape. Eventually he stopped moving. I picked him up and brought him to the bathroom. Tore the shower curtain off and placed it in the tub then set him on top of it. I checked for a pulse, he was still alive. That didn't upset me though. I looked through his cabinets till I found a shaving knife in the medicine cabinet behind his mirror. I turned towards him and squatted down next to the tub. I lifted up his legs and sliced behind his ankles and across his wrists and then waited. He came too fairly quickly and looked over at me with a horrified expression. He was unable to speak, he was to overcome with fear. " I know you've been fucking him, I watched you." I said looking down at him with no emotion in my face. "He's mine." I whispered close to his ear. I began to undo his pants and then his underwear. I grabbed hold of his dick and and began sawing away. He started to scream but, I quickly slashed his throat. It was a shame, I had hoped he'd be alive to feel the pain. Once I had finished cutting I turned towards his open mouth and shoved it in. I grabbed his torso and forced him onto his stomach and put his ass in the air, I looked around and and spotted a large bottle of soap, I wrapped toilet paper around my hand and shoved it inside him. I had defiled him the way he defined my (y/n). I stood up and smiled down at my work. After a moment I turned from the scene and headed back out the window and down the fire escape.
The murder was never put on the news, in fear it would embarrass the family so (y/n) never learned the details of the death and thought it to be a burglary gone wrong. He canceled class for a few months but, I continued to watch him. More men came into his life and left shortly after. I was always there to console him.

(Will's POV)
Something about this case had made me feel deeply angry and jealous. I had felt a deep yearning but, I didn't know for who or what yet. It felt like a small fire forming inside me waiting to consume everything it touched. I needed something so bad it hurt, the feeling was apart of every thought and action. It was so overwhelming I could hardly feel anything else. Whatever this killer was killing for, he loved it or depended on it in some way.

The killer becomes obsessed with you after meeting you in a coffee shop and spent months stalking you, learning your habits. He eventually attended one of your art classes where he found out you already had a lover but he quickly solved that problem by killing him in a gruesome demeaning way. He continued to do this with every perceived threat (any man that showed interest in you). Will begins to develop these feelings of obsession but, isn't sure what the feelings are directed towards yet.

Authors note!!
Thank you for reading! I'm sorry it took so long, I'll try to write another chapter soon but, no promises.

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