Chapter 8

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This Chapter is set back in the present. You are still on surveillance and going to Hannibal for psychiatric care while Will attempts to crack this case.

(Hannibal's POV)

(Y/N) sat in front of me, legs crossed, gaze towards the floor, chewing on the inside of his mouth in silence. "Tell me about your students." I said watching for any subtle twitch or bead of sweat as he answered. I was trying to make him uncomfortable enough to get a read on him, I wanted to see if I could slowly break him down just as I had begun doing with Will. His eyes looked around in slight panic and then up at me, well near me. He would only look directly at me if he thought I wasn't looking. In some ways it felt as if he were a small delicate bird. Beautiful, soft, and easily crushable and that I was a cat watching and waiting to sink my teeth in his tender flesh. Although at this moment I had no intention of eating him, at least not yet. "W-what do you mean?" He said in a shakily. "What are they like?" I asked crossing my legs and folding my hands together on my knee. Although he was always reluctant to answer my questions I didn't think he had killed those men. He wasn't a killer, I could see the innocence in his eyes. It intrigued me, like a game. I wanted to see if he could be made into a killer or if the innocence was to strong. I doubted it was. Innocence was meant to be broken, sometimes just by the passage of time and learning about the harshness of the world or by force. "Oh oh...well I suppose they're nice.." he said trailing off. "You don't sound to sure." I responded leaning forward slightly to get a better look at his body language. "Well...there is this one student..." his eyes darted to the side and then towards the ground again. "Oh?" I scanned his body for any changes. His hands were more fidgety and his legs crossed tighter showing his anxiety towards this student. He sat there silently for a moment before whispering "He scares me." I raised an eyebrow and waited for him to continue. "He...I think he...wants to hurt me...not like beat me up but...he just gets so close to me...he always shows up early and I bump into him a lot outside of class...I think he does it intentionally. Before he started coming to my classes I met him in a coffee shop. I fell and spilled my coffee and he helped me out. I thought he was charming at first but, then I kept seeing him and...I don't know..he just makes me so uncomfortable." He began chewing on the inside of his mouth again and looked up a bit to see what I was going to say.

(Y/N's POV)
I looked up at Dr.Lecter making sure not to meet his eyes. I was sure he'd think I was just being paranoid or crazy. I wish I could tell what he was thinking. He stayed eerily still and never showed any emotion on his face. "What's his name?" Was all he said as his piercing eyes flashed towards me burning jokes into my very being. "W-Wyatt...Wyatt Lawson." He said nothing and just nodded. He glanced at his watch and uncrosses his legs and swiftly stood up. "Looks like that's the end of our session Mr.(L/N). Shall I walk you to the door?" I nodded and stood up following him to the door.

(3rd person POV)

After (Y/N) had left his office Hannibal walked to the other end of the room and leaned against the side of the fire place and stared into it. "Wyatt Lawson..." he muttered under his breath. The name tasted sour in his mouth. He needed to meet this man. It made him deeply upset that he had scared Mr.(L/N) not because he hated the idea of (Y/N) being scared but because he hates the idea of anyone else scaring him. He would find this man, he had to. This was his prey and he didn't like competition.

~A Bit Of A Time Skip~

(Wyatt's POV)

(Y/N) had said class was canceled because of a family emergency but, I knew that was a lie. He hadn't been to any of his usual spots all week so I had gone to his neighborhood to see if I could spot him. I had noticed unmarked cars parked near his house that switched off every hour and came to the conclusion it was the police. He was being forced away from me. I knew it had to be because of my services to him. I had killed those men to protect him and now the Law suspect him of my...what they would call crimes. Throughout the week he had left his house twice with an escort and went to the same place. When I had investigated further I learned it was a physiatrist's office. Dr.Hannibal Lecter. My (Y/N) had been sent to some Shrink's office. I had to meet this man. To keep my (Y/N) safe. I had waited in the parking lot all day for him to come out and finally he walked through the doors. I watched as he made his way to his car and waited a few moments after he pulled out of the car park to follow him. I kept my lights off letting the darkness of the evening hide my car. I stayed back a safe distance to make sure he didn't notice. Eventually he pulled up to what I assumed was his house and went inside. I parked down the street a long way and slowly approached his admittedly impressive house.

(Hannibal's POV)
I watched in my rearview mirror as a dark car trailed me, I decided to pretend I didn't notice and let them continue following me. It didn't strike me as law enforcement so I wasn't concerned. This could be interesting...I needed to see how this played out. I allowed the car to make its way towards my house...maybe I'd invite them in for dinner. As I pulled into my driveway I made note of how far the vehicle had parked...Three streets down...I had time to set the table.

(Author's Note)
I'm sorry if this chapter isn't as good as the others! It's been while since I've written or even watched the show lol. I think I'll rewatch a few episodes and pick up the book series up again to get a good feel for the characters. I hope to make the next chapter better and don't worry I'll be publishing the next part not to far from now! I'm going to work on improving my writing a bit in the mean time! (I'm going to finally start reading and practicing writing again). Thank you for reading!! Stay tuned for the next chapter!!!

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