65. One step too late

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"That's really fascinating, John-Vodhr. I can only do with some of these terms, but as I understand it, aren't you the most senior officer in your unit? How then can they appoint you as leader? Just because they are your adopted children?" Alanna quipped curiously, as the small group of dragons and two-legged friends continued to climb the stairs. John chuckled amused. "Oh no, it has absolutely nothing to do with it."

*Certainly Redeye is the strongest out of his pack and therefore the leader!* Humd Dun'var confidently, but growled in surprise as the colonel shook his head with a smile. "I'm far from the strongest Titan, Dun'var. We Titans host a small competition every ten years, where we compete in an unarmed melee. In the last of these tournaments I finished only sixth. No, I have been appointed troop commander by our high command because I have the most combat experience. And it doesn't matter what ranks the others hold," he told Miller, amazed by the elf next to him. "Well, at least that makes sense to put the man with the greatest experience at the top. But are there really five people among your children who still outperform you in battle? It's hard to imagine that at your strength, John-Vodhr." "Ohyes, when it comes to pure fighting power, we have three absolute monsters at the top of this list. And to be honest, they play in a completely different league than the rest of the Titans, including me," John replied, nodding and looking over to Eragon, who had been skeptical of him for a few minutes.

He didn't know why, but he didn't lose any great thoughts about it. Presumably the rider had talked about him with Sapphira and was now thinking about the Titan. *I would love to get to know these three of them.* he could hear Shadow Claw muttering enthusiastically in his head and turned to the midnight blue dragon, which trotted behind him and the other two-legged ones. He ran next to his mother, Saphira, and it was only now that the soldier really noticed how gigantic the stairway was to let two such giant dragons run side by side. His daughter Tinira trotted up the steps in front of them and looked at the Titan with a curious expression.

"I know what you think, but I'm saying now, take that out of your head. You would lose to each of them within minutes. And that, in some circumstances, is extremely painful." he warned Dun'var seriously, which elicited a slight snort. *It wouldn't have to be a life-and-death struggle. But there is nothing wrong with a little practice fight, or Dragon Knight?* "I can tell you already now how all three fights will go, Dun'var." John replied, shaking his head, but the dragon did not let up. *Then tell me how they would go out.* he demanded snipping, and the Titan sighed quietly before answering.

"So good. The fight against Alex will last the longest, I would appreciate – let's say a good three minutes. You would land some hits on him, maybe disarm an arm, but in return he would make you dazed with some blows and possibly break your jaw. Eventually, the fight would end by jumping on your back and biting your neck, or threatening to do it. The second fight, against Steven, would not even last a minute. Depending on how quickly you try to bite him. A blow with full force from him and you end up in the realm of dreams, probably even with a broken skull. And the last fight, against Emily, would go as long as she allows. You wouldn't land a single hit against them. Emily, on the other hand, would only have to catch you once with her poisonous mandibles and you would suffer incredible pain and convulsions for a few days. If you really want to fight the three now, I won't stop you, but I advise you to ask them for a practice fight beforehand. For if you attack them without warning, as Tinira does to me, then at least one of the three will kill you. This is my full serious Dun'var! Don't do it!"

In doing so, he admonished Shadow Claw and even raised his index finger with warning.

Tinira growled quietly and turned his head away somewhat ashamed, whereas Dun'var became even more curious. Shimmer's shed next to him, but seemed skeptical. *That's interesting. A bite from a two-legged friend to my neck is supposed to force me to give up?* he almost wanted to be amused, and Miller remarked: "I am not the only Titan whose body takes over the properties of other living beings. Does a species called crocodile tell you something? Maybe you know them as tank lizards." The dragon winked in the affirmative. *The medium-sized lizards from the rivers in the west, yes I remember.* "Good. Then I don't have to tell you why his bite puts you out of action? He has as pointed teeth as you and his jaw muscles are, counted in size, much stronger than yours. He would maybe have two or three tries until it penetrates the outer layers of skin and muscle on your neck, but after that it could smash your cervical spine with a single bite. And if he catches a large blood vessel while exposing, I don't need to mention that you only last a few minutes," said the colonel, typing his own neck by way of example, taking care not to wake Feyth.

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