93. Snake tooth

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"That was completely unnecessary from you, darling! You could have shown him the function of the atlas without showing him!" Emily rebuked her husband slightly and pinched him vigorously in the left cheek with one of her right hands. "Au, au, au, au, au! Sorry Emy, me – it wasn't meant to be evil." Robert tried to justify himself in a small way, but had to go to his knees half-way when his wife pulled him down to her eye level.

John had to smile amused, while Holsted, with a slightly pain-distorted and humble gaze, stood strongly bent in front of Smith, who still had his cheek firmly under control. In terms of size comparison, it was like an 8-year-old trying to rebuke an adult, except with the small difference that Robert was over three meters tall and Emily was "only" two meters 60.

Feyth, too, seemed to share his opinion, as he could clearly hear from her quiet chuckle. *Aunt Emily has Uncle Robert firmly under control.* said to himself, whereupon Miller nodded in agreement and tenderly stroked her over her head. From the corners of his eyes, he could also see that even Alanna had put on an amused smile, while Emily wasn't quite done with her husband. "Maybe I should show Murtagh how easy it is for me to show you so that you can understand again what it feels like." This was not an empty threat, as John knew very well. Emily couldn't help but blame someone with power to harass the weaker ones, so the old soldiers weren't surprised that she had directly challenged her husband. Not to mention that their hormone balance was still not completely in order.

Robert was overly painful in his face, as Smith's sharp-edged claws tucked him more and more into the cheek and answered guilt-consciously: "Please don't treasure, you know I would never be intentionally disrespectful." "Then apologize to him before I take off the atlas and ask Feyth to tickle you until you whisk for mercy," Emily replied forcefully, at the same time threateningly clicking with her mandibles and stretching out two of her left arms towards her father and the little dragon girl who immediately understood the gesture and jumped over from Miller's shoulder to the field doctor. , which she gently caught. Then she lifted her forward, where Feyth teasingly gurgled and Robert playfully slid over the other cheek, sending a slight tremor through the handsome Titan. John's smile became wider when he noticed the pilot desperately trying to escape the little dragon's tongue, but Emily held his head firmly in place with the trick in the cheek. At the same time, Robert began to laugh quietly and pleaded with Feyth: "Oh please not little ones, I'm really extremely tickled! You would be my downfall!"

That, too, was no exaggeration, as Miller knew very well. Even as a young child, Robert had always had a laugh as soon as one of the others tickled him for more than five seconds. He was simply extremely sensitive to such a thing.

*Oh really?* the little dragon girl asked mischievously expectantly and the colonel remembered how she had tried to tickle him at the time. But before Emily could carry out her threat to let Feyth go to her husband, Murtagh came to his rescue.

"Keep an Emily! Robert just did what I asked him to do," the red-armed dragon rider said reassuringly as he stepped back to them and also seemed slightly amused. Dorn also raised his massive head and gently stabbed the field doctor with the tip of his muzzle, before calmly adding: *My soul brother is right, poison claw, your brood companion is an extremely honorable fighter. And he really only did what we asked of him. Perhaps a little different than expected, but still.* Smith threw a skeptical side-eye at the Dragon before sighing and letting go of Robert's cheek, who breathed through with relief and rose up again before gratefully nodding to the red rider. "Well, this time you'll get away with it again, but only because they both vouch for them," she explained earnestly, but began to giggled quietly as Robert pressed a loving kiss on her cheek.

John's smile was even wider than before.

It was just so pleasing to see the two of them so intimately after all that they had to go through in their lives. Especially because she also tied Feyth directly into her relationship when Holsted gently patted her head, which elicited an affectionate gurgle from the little dragon girl. The Colonel could clearly feel a strong feeling of happiness that was overflowing with his spirit, which only increased his joy. Finally the little dragon learned what it meant to have a real family.

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