118. A Light in the Darkness

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"That's bad, very bad," John remarked tensely as he marched with Eragon, Shenmi, Steven and Micheal in the stabbing step towards the entrance gate of the festivals. Vanir had voluntarily stayed in the dining room to take care of the others, while Miller, Julia, had sent Julia off with Barys to pick up Jonas and his team from Drakenfort. Just as he had commanded Aidan to Robert in the nesting caves above them.

"That's probably the understatement of the century, Dad. Cursed shit! If only I had been there!" Coule growled angrily beside him, clenching both hands to fists. Yang, on the other hand, sounded extremely anxious when she said, "I just hope everyone is doing well. It's just horrible.' "I hope so for Trestol, otherwise I will kick my boot across my ass, up to the head at our next meeting!" her fiancé cursed angrily, but John himself took it all on the sidelines. His mind raced with concern and there were so many questions that he couldn't even think about them all at the same time.

How did Shixin fare?

Where did they take him and Lyath?

What had happened to Tymdek?

How did Feyth and Alanna fare?

And especially now most urgent: Would everything go well with Amanda?

Only a few minutes ago Kevin had to interrupt his explanation in the middle of the sentence, when Mike's wife uttered a pain-filled scream that became louder for a few seconds, but then faded again just as quickly and instead made way for a loud wheezing, after which the paramedic jumped off the mirror in a hurry, or whatever Keno had used to make contact, to rush to Amanda.

Micheal had become asabeahl in the face in that brief moment and if Miller had almost ripped the mirror out of Eragon's hand with excitement, miller had not jumped in between. The Colonel knew in the back of his mind what this scream meant, of course, but he didn't need to tell his son about it himself, as Pestoun reappeared in the mirror only a few seconds later and tried reassuringly to explain that only the contractions had set in Amanda. But that was far from reassuring for Forke, who, according to Kevin's testimony, had become a pillar of salt. Shortly afterwards, the rider had handed him the mirror of his own pieces, which the admiral then frantically pressed close to his face and spoke in full panic mode to his brother, who in return naturally tried to allay Mike's fears.

Even now, as they marched towards the exit, his son had the reflective piece of glass hanging right in front of his nose and had to be led by Shenmi's hand, so as not to crash against the next best wall, or even to stop. John gave Mike a long, anxious side view, knowing exactly how he needed to feel, and he shared many of his fears. He had also been in the middle of an assignment when Samantha was born, which had always plagued him in the background.

A small icicle seemed to pierce his heart as he had to think again of his deceased daughter and wife, but he did not force himself to mourn. Instead, he quietly sent a prayer to heaven that everything would go well with Amanda.

Then his gaze inevitably wandered over to Eragon, who now held another small pocket mirror in his hands, to which Vanir had left him. The Grand Master had not lost any more time and immediately contacted Liri'rth, as Sapphirea and the other dragons were still far too far away to reach them telepathically. "Did you understand, Liri'rth? You must immediately communicate with Othreni Saphira and the others and then fly back to the Titan Ship! With Micheal's wife, the contractions have just begun and Kevin will surely be grateful for your help. Whatever happens, protect the ship in all circumstances! I will not allow the Black Rose to continue to do and do what it wants! And make Sapphira clear that Lerod is safe before she bursts into panic. Did you understand me?" Miller could hear him explain, to which the young elf replied just as earnestly: "Yes, of course, Ebrithil. Do you know if everything is okay with Keno and Shad?"

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