140. Depatrure

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"Is it finally time?" John said earnestly, and Micheal nodded vigorously. "We will anchor out of sight of the coastal area so that no one notices the Venator. Aidan's training is going well, I hope?" the admiral said as he climbed into the elevator with John, Murtagh and Jonas to take them upstairs to the other hangar. Miller nodded approvingly. "He is doing very well, the main features and manoeuvres have already been taught to him by Murtagh and Alanna." "That's probably a little understatement. As long as it is not an absolute master in sword fighting, Metallgeist should be able to overcome almost any enemy who puts himself away from him. The only weakness I still see is its susceptibility to magic, but unfortunately we can do very little about it," the dragon rider also remarked seriously, contemplating Micheal with a questioning glance.

John agreed, magic was still her greatest weakness.

The admiral folded his arms in front of his chest, while Jonas replied: "We're just taking advantage of Aidan's magiclessness. He should look like a half-ordinary man and we don't need to worry about someone reading his thoughts. This is impossible for him, because he is only a machine." 'He's not just a machine, but yes, he's immune to telepathy. And you have explained to us that there are certainly such people who are 'empty' in magic. So maybe he'll stand out a little bit, but not too much," Micheal added, adding that it was now murtagh to nod. "Yes, we have no choice but to hope that the camouflage will suffice." Jonas' facial expression became more grim when he added to death: "If not, we activate Plan B. We put together a team and go in hard. Either way, the Black Rose has had my brother and our friends in their power long enough. That's the end of it."

John also folded his arms in front of his chest and looked at his adopted son thoughtfully.

It was only natural that he had become more restless over the course of the weeks. John himself had thought early on about taking a hard line against the Black Rose to free her friends and family. But what kept him out of it was the fact that they didn't know exactly where the bastards were hiding them. Not even Berdon could have said it to Alanna. This made it all the more difficult to choose a suitable target. Should they besthrough the entire area around the base city of the Black Rose, hoping to find a clue? Or should they prefer to strike a precision against the leadership? But even with a small intervention, this would have been an attack on a sovereign state on its part, since the Black Rose was still, in official eyes, a registered and also wealthy merchant guild.

And the operation would have been impossible to cover up.

So there were only the two versions, either they were waiting for Sebastian and Aidan to help the prisoners escape with the help of others, or they broke a war from the fence, which - once set in motion - was probably no longer easy to end.

"That really should only be our last resort, Jonas. We don't want to cause war," John explained calmly, prompting Jonas to look skeptical. "You remember that the Black Rose quite openly attacked the Dragon Festival and Drakenfort? I think we are already at war." "Unfortunately, it's not as simple as I like to would also agree. Yet my brother could not get a confession regarding the Black Rose directly from one of the prisoners. And we haven't had any success, if I can remind you," Murtagh contradicted him, but Jonas put his forehead in wrinkles. "Isn't the confession that Caghyra gave us enough? Or have Me and Sarah wasted the last two weeks talking to her every day?" said Jonas, sounding a little upset, so the dragon rider immediately raised his hand reassuringly. 'I didn't say that. Your statement has weight, but you probably know for yourself how greasy politicians, or nobles, are. They will deny everything and possibly incite others against us." 'He's right. Such people turn the word around in your mouth. And as long as only our word is against theirs, they will be able to wriggle out," John agreed, prompting Jonas to clench his fist and bare his predatory teeth.

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