37. medical emergency

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"Uh, guys, hopefully I'm not the only one who just heard that voice in my head, am I?" Steven asked confusedly, but still held the gun pointed at the big red dragon standing in front of them in the cave entrance, staring curiously at them. "No, you're not, I heard her too." Alina replied and Mike agreed. "We heard them all."

He got up, but he kept one foot on the neck of the young dragon. Tight enough to keep him down, but not painful. Then Aidan asked confusedly, "What are you talking about, sir?" "This dragon has communicated telepathically with us Aidan. You couldn't hear it because you probably needed an organic brain," explained the admiral. "Ah, I understand, sir. May I say that this dragon is the source of the nanite signature before you? There are almost 32,000 nanites in his bloodstream, if I interpret the pathways correctly."

Mike looked at the Al skeptically for a moment. "In her blood?" "Exactly, sir." "That can only mean she met John! Finally she called us titans, too," Alina threw in between and Michael tacitly agreed, 'but why should father have injected her with his nanites?' he pondered and then turned to the red female dragon, who in turn looked at the admiral.

He activated the external speakers of the Atlas.

"You can understand us, can't you?"

Again the gentle voice of the dragon resounded in his head. *Yes, indeed Michael Forke, I understand your words. Michael swallowed involuntarily when the Dragon Lady mentioned his name, but remembered again that mind reading was not special in this world.

"So you're in my head. Well, then I don't need to tell you that we had no intention of fighting you. We just want to talk to you." He symbolically secured his weapon, put it back into the holster and lifted his empty hands briefly into the air. Alina followed his example and Steven also took down the machine gun, but kept it ready to fire in front of his chest. The female dragon winked at him before politely replying: *Forgive my disrespectful intrusion into your privacy, Mr. Forke, but I was very worried about my son. My name is Lyath. Would you be willing to release my offspring, because I don't want to attack you either?

The admiral gave it short thought. To comply with her request was risky, at least he had no guarantee that she would keep her word. On the other hand, the danger from her was relatively low, as the Atlas could easily withstand her fire, teeth or claws. She also sounded truly repentant and at the same time curious to get to know her. I probably would have used every opportunity to take my enemy by surprise if he threatened my child,' he said to himself and nodded. "Of course. We never meant to hurt him." He gave Steven a sign, whereupon they both took their boots from the young animal and it snatched itself up in a hurry. It growled at the sergeant angrily, but then hurried back to his mother without incident, who lovingly licked him over the head.

A slight tremor seized the voluminous abdomen of the dragon lady for a few seconds, but disappeared just as quickly as it had come.

Turned to Michael, she said: *I thank you warriors. The Titan replied with a smile: "Well, I think it would be best to start all over again Miss Lyath. You already know my name. The woman to your left, in the white armour, listens to the name Alina Kensac and the guy directly in front of you is Steven Coule. And our floating companion here is called Aidan." *Very pleased to meet you, friends of John. Respectfully met Lyath. "Likewise, ma'am." "Steven and Alina replied, only Aidan remained silent.

The red dragon lady put her head slightly at an angle. *I can't feel the spirit of your little comrade. Is everything all right with him?* Hastily, Michael thought about a white lie. "Oh, yes, of course. It's just that the metallic body around him shields his mind from the outside world. You can't feel him and he can't hear you." He bit his lower lip, hoping the AI understood the connection and played along.

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