40. Congratulations, it's a ...

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"I never thought I'd say this, but I feel small," Steven mumbled quietly as he trotted along with Michael behind the three dragons, Aidan and Alina, who went deeper into the cave. Tymdek and Lyath, walking side by side, filled almost the entire room of the corridor and did not touch the ceiling just because they held their heads down. The admiral nodded deliberately and agreed: "They are really very respectful beings, and I would be very interested to know how father managed to make friends with them."

Coule chuckled amused. "Have you seen the fear in the eyes of the little silver one after we've released him again? Probably Dad had a similar idea to us." "Maybe. I would rather be interested in what brought him here in the first place. After all, this cave is quite off the beaten track and you know his very straightforward way of thinking," Mike replied, whereupon the sergeant could only shrug his shoulders. "Lyath or Tymdek will tell us when the problem with the eggs is solved. We have no choice but to wait and hope that Mark and Robert will reach the forest quickly." "Micheal replied and was astonished when, after a few more meters, they arrived in a huge chamber with a large nest of twigs, branches, moss and grass enthroned in the middle.

On the right side there was an immense fireplace, whose outer edge consisted of grey boulders and inside a light blue fire was blazing, which was nourished by several meters of wood. And on this wood, in the middle of the flames, Titan could see five oval objects of different sizes. He thought fascinated and wanted to take a few steps towards it when Steven grabbed him roughly by the shoulder.

"Look over there." he whispered to him and nodded in the opposite direction.

Mike's eyes narrowed when he noticed what his brother meant. There on the wall sat two slumped together figures, who did not look unlike a young person except for their pointed ears. The mouths were gagged with a heavy cloth and arms and legs tied with thick ropes. Worst of all was the fact that one of them was missing his whole right arm and a good part of his right upper body. Although the wound seemed to have been properly treated and dressed, the fact that this man was not conscious did not surprise the admiral in the least.

Skeptically, he stopped and asked out loud, "Mr. Tymdek? What's the deal with these prisoners?" The black dragon turned to the two soldiers and growled as his gaze met the two tied men. *It's egg thieves, Mr. Forke, and among other things, responsible for my brood partner's condition. It's only thanks to John that they couldn't make their plan happen.

The attitude of the Titans changed suddenly from worried, too tense.

"They wanted to steal your unhatched children?" Steven wanted to know in a hateful voice while he clenched his fists. *Yeah, Tymdek replied and bared his teeth. Michael didn't have to see his brother's face to know that he was about to gut the two guys alive.

After all, it was the same for him.

"I'm gonna go explore the area for a while, otherwise these two bastards won't survive the next minute." Coule pressed out with grinding teeth, turned around on the spot and walked back the same way with big steps they had just come. Dark Swing followed the soldier with a confused look. *Your thoughts are like those of a wounded bear who rears up to knock down his adversary. Is everything all right Mr. Forke?* The admiral closed his eyes for a moment and breathed in and out a few times calmly before responding with a sober, sober voice: "We've dealt with such scum ourselves in the past, Mr. Tymdek. It would be better to leave this subject alone." The great dragon stared at him for a few seconds and then winked acceptingly. *I understand. Some wounds obviously even time can't heal.* "You're right about that." Mike agreed and looked over again to the two prisoners.

One of them, a man with a ashen face and black hair, looked at him as if he were the devil in person. "I assume John is responsible for her condition," asked Titan Tymdek, who winked again and then stepped over to Lyath and the young dragon, who had meanwhile laid down together in the nest. Alina stood next to the red dragon lady and carefully palpated the fat belly, while Aidan apparently scanned the rest of the dragon's body. *These elves wanted to attack me and my son, Dekri, when they believed that their poison had fully developed its effect. Fortunately, John - prevented this, Lyath explained, whimpering as another muscle contraction twitched through her abdomen.

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