49. a bad omen

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*What exactly do you want me to ask me for, hunter?*asked Dun'var curiously as he lowered his head to John's eye level and winked at him. His midnight blue eyes were full of the Titan's deep reds. "That's actually easy to explain, Dun'var. Time is running out for us. Keno's state of mind becomes increasingly unstable as Shad's loss begins to gnaw at him. So I wanted to ask you for a favor. Would you agree to fly us to Drakenfort?" the soldier explained earnestly, nodding over to Keno, who stood behind him at Alanna and watched the greeting between Feyth and Tinira in trifascination. The two dragon girls circled each other slowly and cost the air with their split tongues. It didn't look like the lemon-yellow dragon wanted to do something to his protégé, but John kept the two in view from the corner of his eye to intervene if necessary. Shadow Claw did not respond immediately, but stared at the colonel for a few more seconds before snorting amusedly and blowing a small cloud of smoke out of the nostrils. A roaring laugh came out of his throat. *You're full of surprises, red-eye! Just now I thought I had to beat you unconscious before you would allow me to fly to Drakenfort and now you voluntarily ask for it!* The Titan was knowingly smiling. "I thought something like this when you flew away in the desert. So it's okay for you, Shadow Claw?" The gigantic dragon roared approvingly. *Of course! Don't forget that I'm the son of Saphira Shimmer Scale. I know how strong the bond

between the dragon and the rider is and, above all, how much it hurts the other when they are separated. In addition, I help not only the chick, but also an old friend and my soulmate, not to mention that I am in your and Feyth's guilt anyway, for the things I have done.* Meant Dun'var sincerely, to which John tilted his head slightly. 'I'm well aware of this, I didn't want to sound disrespectful. It makes me very relieved that you agree with me." Shadow claw could be heard a loud chuckle. *To be honest, I already knew you wanted something from me, hunter. Why else would you have been so open on the street? A man with the skills you possess could hide himself from a dragon, at least for a while.* "You're probably right." John agreed, and couldn't resist a slight smile. Then the great dragon moved away from him, presumably in order not to make him feel constricted, and his gaze wandered down to the soldier's chest. Where he had immortalized himself with his claws. *At least it seems that it wasn't just me who got evidence of our struggle.* noticed the midnight blue reptile and the Titan thoughtfully drove over the four scratches that adorned the otherwise flawless breastplate of the Atlas. "Oh yes. It's been over 175 years since my armor was last damaged. However, it's nothing compared to the scars I've missed you. I'm infinitely sorry that I knocked off your tail tip. Feyth showed me what her dragon uses it for," the colonel replied, embarrassed, briefly looking at Dun'var's shortened tail, after which Shadow Claw growled quietly and winked at him. *Don't take it too much to heart, red-eye. This is what makes the thrillof fighting out! Not knowing if you can survive it unscathed! Of course, it bothers me that I no longer master my flight perfectly, but there is worse than not being able to fly any more narrow manoeuvres. Rather, it scratches my honor that you have cut off my horn.* the great dragon rolled and swung his massive head back and forth a little. John folded his arms in front of his chest and raised an eyebrow skeptically. He had not thought Dun'var was superficial, but the loss of a useless accessory, in his eyes, was harder to assess than losing his ability to maneuver in the air, seemed extremely naive to him. However, he kept these thoughts to himself and instead said, "Well, if it calms you down, shadow claw, it gives you an even more dangerous appearance." *That's nicely meant, hunter, and yet it hurls me more than any other scar.* replied the lizard buzzing. Black smoke poured out of its nostrils. But then he sighed and raised his head back to a normal level for him. *But that doesn't really work at the moment. Look at that, John. The two chicks made a direct friendship.* said Dun'var amused and pointed with his muzzle towards Feyth and Tinira. The Titan, who had only watched them from the corners of his eyes, turned to them completely and had to smile as he climbed the little green dragon girl on the back of ShadowClaw's daughter, who had turned her head backwards and uttered delightful sounds. It almost looked like she was giving her some kind of massage. The Colonel rejoiced for his little protégé, even if the gloomy ulterior motive that Tinira might think differently about Feyth in a few months was firmly anchored in his brain. For if even her own mother was able to attack her, then it could be similar to her. 'What am I thinking about it again? Always stay positive, this will not happen!' he said to himself, closing his eyes for a brief moment to banish this horrible thought into a dark corner. This gesture did not go unnoticed. Alanna, who had placed her hand on Tinira's flank and smiled cheerfully, addressed him with a slightly confused expression. "John-Vodhr? Does something depress your mind?" The soldier reopened his eyelids and gently shook his head. "No, no. It's all right. My eyes only itched for a short time." he calmed her down and breathed a serene breath as the elf nodded and looked

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