55. in the inn - part 1

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"What was the magic you used to occupy Keno, Master Dragon Rider?" John first asked, while calmingly caressing over Feyth's head, giving the quiet, whirling sounds of himself and being concerned, looking at the lying Keno. Eragon sighed heavily and closed his eyes for a moment. "I put the boy in a dreamless sleep to give him some peace. But I'm afraid it won't really help him," the older rider said, reluctantly, handing one of the dry cloths to the trembling Alanna.

The elf still looked completely shocked and tears ran down her cheeks. She stared straight at the boy in front of her and didn't even notice the linen cloth. Shadow killer noticed her mental absence quite quickly and placed the blanket over her shoulders, whereupon she shrugged in horror and turned her gaze towards Eragon. As with Miller before, she opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out except a violent choking. Skeptically, the Titan raised an eyebrow, while the Grand Master comforted her with putting his hand on her left shoulder. "It's the magic oath that prevents them from saying something, isn't it?" he asked earnestly. Alanna nodded off and Shadow killer's face became more tense. "You knew about this attack, Alanna?" he asked in a stern voice, and the elf nodded again, but this time much more hesitantly.

From the corners of her eyes, John noticed that Feyth was sharpening her ears. And he himself became audible. "It would be best if you took the oath of Alanna before you tell us everything, Master Eragon." the Titan seriously suggested and demonstratively put a fist on the table in front of him, causing him to kneel menacingly. He was not evil to the elf, after all, the oath had prevented them from telling them, but nevertheless he wanted to have access to their insider knowledge. The Dragon Rider nodded approvingly. "You are absolutely right, Mr Miller. Maybe it can bring some light into this darkness." With these words, he closed his eyes and placed his left hand on Alanna's soaked hair, which she glued to her scalp and back. The flickering light of the fireplace and the flameless lanterns underscored this scene almost dramatically.

*I can feel her pain even though you have given her this remedy that fogs her mind. She's doing really badly.* Feyth whimpered and pressed her forehead tightly to his chin. Their scales felt cool and wet. 'I know it's extremely hard for you little ones, try to think about it as little as possible. Otherwise you are worse off than Keno or Alanna in the aftermath.' he admonished her in his mind, after which the little dragon girl was quietly fiepging. Then they both shrugged involuntarily as the Grand Master said a single word that made their entire body vibrate and exude incredible power. This was followed by a few more twists in the Ancient Language, but these were not as confusing as the first.

Although he felt this single word as clearly as a slap in the face, John could not remember the exact wording, although he could normally remember everything. It was as if someone had burned the memory out of his head and left only a faint image.

At the same time, Alanna brought clearly audible air, like a diver who comes to the surface of the water after an eternity of underwater to fetch air. "With the gods! Eragon-Elda! I - the attack - the Black Rose - Keno - Shad - " summoned the elf hastily and panickedlarge large tufts of her golden hair as she stared at Eragon with her eyes wide open but still tearfully wet. Miller's posture was slightly cramped. He had only suspected it strongly, but now he had certainty. The Black Rose was responsible for the attack. "Always with the calm Alanna, breathe deeply," Said Shadow Killer calmingly and made sure that Alanna let go of her hair again with gentle force. "The magic that lay upon you was very powerful. Whoever has imposed it on you must be a master of his trade. Gather first and I'll tell you in the meantime what exactly happened, yes?" he said, looking at her forcefully. The elf swallowed heavily, but nodded slowly. The Titan endorsed Eragon's proposal and moved a little closer to the table to better follow the following statement. Asking him for that particular word was not relevant right now.

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