117. Securing Drakenfort

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"Do you know these dragons, Gerlinde?" Jonas asked the dragon rider earnestly, as he looked up and down to her with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Gerlinde, who had tried hard to heal Sarah with magic, looked up to the Colonel after a few moments and then looked at the dark blue young dragon. Her facial features became anxious when she noticed the cramps and the stranglehold, and she quickly rallied, made sure the titan was doing so well, and then rushed over to Milten. "Well?" he hurriedly followed, but the woman shook her head hastily before her gaze on the bloodied father of the dragon girl shuddered at her and shuddered her involuntarily. "No, no I don't know them, Jonas-Elda. With Frija -- he-is-dead, isn't he?" she answered reverently whispering and shrugging slightly as Jonas harshly replied, "Yes, or did you think we would touch him with velvet gloves after what we heard and saw? I have already made my opinion of Eragon more than just clear in the Albatross. And his daughter can only be glad that I have a conscience despite everything, otherwise you could count her time even in hours."

He wasn't really interested in the rider shrugging something, even if he could understand that as a dragon rider, it wasn't easy for her to see a dead dragon. After all, she was in spirit closely merged with her own partner, which of course made the whole thing a little harder to digest. But he had seen so many deaths over the decades that it was nothing special for him. For him, it was much more important to bring the situation back under control and to gather as much information as possible.

So he secured the gun again and put it back in the holster before seriously backing down: "Then they belong to Bralluth's thunder? I couldn't find any control stones on her forehead." It took Gerlinde a few moments when she looked at the evil corpse of the adult dragon with displeasure, before she replied a little more concisely: "I think so, Jonas-Elda. Bralluth's Thunder is the largest community of wild Dragons I know. It would also explain the massacre they have done here." "Then we agree on this," Jonas said, nodding approvingly, before both he and Gerlinde looked over to Mark as he stood next to her with a trained hellstorm. "And what about these soldiers? They felt no pain and were much stronger than an ordinary person should be," the engineer said, snarling, pointing his head at the bodies of the men Milten had put down. "I don't know, Mark-Elda, at least not really. I -- I've read and heard stories about such soldiers. They were supposedly called the 'Laughing Dead' when the traitor king Galbatorix used them in the war at that time," Gerlinde explained uncertainly, with Jonas becoming audible.

He remembered the passages in the books, which is why he had instinctively recognized the right weakness in the fight beforehand. "Gerlinde is right. These guys have been magically shut off all feelings throughout their bodies, so they can no longer feel pain. Presumably they are also a bit stronger because their muscles are no longer restricted by their feelings," Milten said, addressing his brother, who nodded understands. 'So that's her secret. Helpful, but also risky. If they hadn't been so ruthless and planned an ambush with the Dragons instead, we might not have gotten away so well," Mark said grimly, and Jonas could only agree. "Yes, yes."

Then he noticed how Duncan's facial features changed a little as the engineer turned his gaze to the bloodied, deep purple dragon. "Why do you think this monster was hoping that we would save his daughter after all the things they did?" he asked thoughtfully afterwards, which also briefly made Milten ponder. However, just moments later, the colonel simply replied, "He was just a father, and which father wouldn't beg for his child's life?" That seemed most logical to him, and Mark nodded slowly, too. "Probably. Nevertheless, I would have liked to have asked him. What drives a dragon to become a man-eater and cause such carnage?" 'We'll be able to ask his daughter as soon as she's survived Sarah's poison. And trust me, I'm not going to be too simplate with her," Jonas said with a mischient look at the dragon girl next to them, writhing with pain and cramps.

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