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run. you didn't look back, you only ran to where your feet brought you. your legs ached, your feet looked like they were getting deattached. but you still ran.

was it real? did you just leave suna alone?

you held your head tightly and gripped your hair, "suna...rintarou..."

you walked through the cold with your wretched look. the people looked at you as if you were crazy.

you frantically ran away from the looks of people, walking to a frozen river and holding your shirt tightly that it would break if you held it tighter.

"i just left. i just left suna." you muttered to yourself, breaking down and letting your tears drop on the frozen river below you.

the police tried grabbing you but you ran away, squirming from their holds and screaming like a mad woman.

your eyes moved around the area, spotting every person whispering about you, some pitying your state.

'help me' you wanted to shout. you wanted to go back, but you were sure that suna will render you useless once again.

your lifeless eyes stared on the ground below you, backing away a bit and sitting on a bench.

you had stopped crying, your tears seeming to run out. you couldn't feel anything, you didn't care and you wanted to leave forever.

the ice below your bare feet seemed colder than ever, and you swore that you would get hypothermia anytime now. 

kourai, however, spotted you while doing his night jog routine. he looked at your state and approached you carefully.

"hello." he said, uncertain of what he was gonna say. he watched your eyes twinkle in glee, and how your lips curled up slightly, the way your nose turned red and how your hair flowed in the air.

"do you need help? are you alright?" he continued on asking, his thoughts being cut off by screaming in the crowd.

"y/n!" it was suna. he first thought about handing you to him, but when he saw the terrified look in your eyes, kourai figured that suna is the reason why you were afraid.

he took his jacket off and placed it around you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and letting you engulf him in a tight hug.

the warmth he felt back when he was a kid. he felt it again. it felt nostalgic, the memories flashing before your eyes. this was where you both first met 10 years ago, this very same bench and this very same situation.

you felt kourai pat your back gently, a reminder that he was still there.

'what a coincidence' he thought.

you snuggled closer to him, feeling the rare warmth he was emitting. "warm..."

kourai chuckled and yanked you closer to him, your face facing his chest, full head covered by his jacket. he looked at your feet and almost cried at the sight. your feet were turning violet due to the cold and the tiredness of running away. 

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