No Place Like Home (7)

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(incase it wasn't clear, Italics mean thoughts unless I say different) It's been a week. I know I was only intending on staying a few days but I wasn't in a rush to get home. I have been walking to school with Noen every morning and walking back to his house after school, Im surprised my brother didn't see me and try to get me home.

It's saturday. I was sitting on the cold wooden stairs scrolling through all my messages. There were a lot, Some from my parents, some from my friends and even some from the bitch squad. Im sure Iggy and the twins don't actually give a fuck but its whatever.

The whole time ive been here his parents still werent, I didnt wanna be nosey but I was really curious... i'll just ask him later.

-small time skip-

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked walking into the living room "yeah, sure" I shrugged, getting up of the floor. We started to watch (movie of your choice) I laid my head in his lap as I watched the movie. After a few mins I looked up at him is it possible to fall or your stalker? Well- ex stalker? I thought to myself. No. You can't do that, besides we still don't know that much about each other. I've never even met his parents, I saw them one time, and my parents- let's not even get into that.

Don't say it lex don't- "Noen? Not to be nosey but...where is your family? They haven't been here the whole time" he looked down at me, he looked...mad? He pushed me off and walked to the front door "you should go. Im sure your parents are worried" I didn't understand what I did but instead of arguing with him about it, I got up and walked to the front door "bye i guess" I said walking out the door. He didn't say anything back, he just stood there glaring at me.

Once I walked in my house it was seemingly empty, that was until I heard the sound of glass shattering across the cold wood floors, sending shards everywhere. I immediately looked in that direction and saw Cole standing in the archway between the living room and the kitchen With a broken bowl at his feet "Lex? Wh-where were you?" he asked, he was shaking "It doesnt matter" I said looking down "I-I have to sweep" he said turning around "where is everyone?" I asked "Abell is at a playdate, Mom and Dad are out looking for you and they brought Chase, Zoey, and Luna with them" damn I should call them I reached to my back pocket and realized my phone wasn't there. Shit all my stuff is still at Noen's house "o-ok" I managed to spit out before walking up to my room, I opened the door and was shocked. My dresser drawers were pulled out and emptied all over the floor, my matress was pulled off the frame, all the papers on my desk were scattered across the floor, and over all my room was recked. Someone had been through my stuff.

I marched right back out of the house and to Noen's front door. I knocked and saw him peer out the window but he ignored me so I knocked again. Finally he swung the door open "what the hell?" he kinda shouted "Chill asshole, I left my shit here" he rolled his eyes "get it, be quick" I shoved passed him and grabbed my duffle bag and shoved all my stuff in it and without saying a word I walked back out of the house and to my own. Now I can let everyone know im home I pulled out my phone and called Chase

Call with Chase


Hold on, where are you?

Im home, I just thought I should tell you all

ok, but where the fuck were you? Noen's...Just-

What!? What do you mean "at Noen's" I went there to see if you were there twice and he said he hadn't seen you!

Because- I love you all but I didn't want anyone to know where I was

That's fucked up

yeah I know. Im sorry ok? I know sorry isn't gonna cut it but I mean it. And I really need to talk to you, Im in desperate need of one of your classic best friend talks right now

I-..ok fine, but you have to tell me why you left ok?

I will as soon as I see you I promise. Can you let everyone know that Im home?

On it, cya soon bitch

bye Ch-

Don't say it

Say what?

dont play dumb

Oh you mean don't call you Chasey?

Fuck you

yeah yeah. Cya



I walked inside and sat on the couch infront of the window waiting for my parents dark blue van to pull up. I couldn't wait to see my friends again. As I was looking out the window I saw Noen walk out of his house, he looked like he had been crying. His eyes were all puffy and red and his eyes were watering. I wanted to run over to him and ask him what was wrong, but I can't because he wouldn't want that and I don't feel like pissing him off even more. He started walking down the road. I turned away from the window and went upstairs and started to tidy up my room a bit more. I need to know who went through my room and what they found.

I continued to fix up my room until I heard a car pull up. I immediately ran to the window and I saw my parents van in the driveway. I rushed down the stairs, by the time I got down there the door was starting to open and the first person to walk in was Zoey, I ran to her as soon as I saw her and hugged her super tight, then I hugged Luna and my parents "Wait where is Chase?" I asked looking in my father's direction. As soon as the words fell out of my mouth all there smiles dropped. Luna and Zoey looked at my dad who then sent a look to my mom "What is going on?" at this point I was so confused "well-" My dad started but my mom cut him off "Let's sit down first" what is going on?

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