Bail (11)

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I had finally made enough money to go get Chase. I quit working for Iggy's dad too. "Bye!" I yelled opening Noen's front door "byez" he said back. I walked through the door way, closing it behind me. I ran to my door and ran inside "where is it?" I asked Cole, he pointed to the envelope on the counter "sick!" I ran  over to it and opened it. yes! It's enough "hey Cole can you take me to go get Chase?" I asked "Wait you have enough?" I nodded "Cool! Lets go" he said

-time skip-
Me and Chase were in the back and Cole was driving. "You really didn't have to help me" Chase said "Yes I did, You're my best friend" I argued "yeah but you'd be fine without me, you have Zoey and Luna" he argued back "heh about that...Luna dumped me for the bitch squad and Zoey moved schools"  I said looking down "fake bitches" he mumbled

another time skip cuz we're cool kids😎

We dropped Chase off. We were pulling up to the house when I saw Noen at my front door wait my parents are here Then I noticed my dad was also on the porch. They were talking. We parked and I rushed over "what's going on?" I said walking in between them "Calm down lex. We're talking" My dad said "I actually came here to ask you something" Noen said "oh?" he looked down fiddling with his fingers "well...So Prom is coming up and I was uh- wondering if you'd go with me?" he asked "of c-" I was cut off by my father "That's if they even let you go after your little stunt with Iggy" I rolled my eyes "anyway IF I can, then yes" he smiled "wait really?" I nodded "Ok now you definately aren't staying anymore nights at his house" Cole said, I shot him a glare and my dad said "Leave your sister alone Cole" I smiled "Can he stay the night?" I asked my dad Cole said "No" at the same time as my dad said "i guess" Cole rolled his eyes. "Chill your tits cole" I said shoving past him.

I know this was a short chapter but It's because I was wondering if I should do a smut chapter? I've never wrote smut but I could try, It might be trash but I could try if you'd like? Lemme know what you think

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