$-Real Money-$ (8)

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(the song has nothing to do with this chapter ⬆)

My mom guided me to the couch. I sat down next to her with Luna on the other side of me "please just tell me what's going on" I said as everyone else sat down "just don't freak out" Zoey said from her spot next to my father "Just fucking tell me" I half shouted since I was begining to become impatient "well...Chase asked us to drop him off two blocks away in front of that park by Zoey's house" my mom said with a some what concerned look on her face "yeah and?" I asked with a bit more sas then intended "you need to calm down first" she snapped back, her concerned expression turning into more of an angry glare "I'm calm. jesus!" I snapped back. My dad snapped his fingers at us "aye, not the time" my mom rolled her eyes "apparently he wanted to get dropped off there because he saw Noen on the swings" she continued. Shit "ok. Stop pausing just say it all at once, you're really annoying me" and then she finished with "and a few minutes ago we got a call, Chase got arrested for assault" I paused for a second what the actual fuck "what did he do?" I asked even tho I'm pretty sure I knew. My mom gave me a look as if she was saying "are you fucking dumb" without actually speaking "well I guess he had an issue with Noen hiding you from us all" I was completely over the convo at this point "you know what? Fuck this" I sat up and walked to my newly cleaned room. I laid on my neatly made bed pulling the comforter over my head.

About a half an hour later there was a knock. I ignored it. Then there was another...and another. Then the door opened and I felt the edge of my bed dip on both sides towards the foot of the bed "are you ok?" I heard Luna's voice but didn't respond "just talk to us" I heard zoey from the other side. I didn't want to talk, atleast not to them. Not right now "dude come on" Luna said grabbing my comforter to pull it off me. I was already extremely irritated so I sat up and snatched it out of her hands "I don't want to talk to you" I said before plopping back down recovering myself "bitch" Luna mumbled. I pulled the blanket off of myself and stood up "me the bitch? You're the dumbass who won't give me any fucking space. I thought you would understand but no, cuz like i said
D U M B A S S" she stood up towering over me just a bit since she was taller "you act like you're gonna do something bitch" I had to resist the urge to just beat her ass, right then and there. don't want another one of us arrested. "get the hell out of my house" I said shoving her out of my room. She laughed a lil "Told you" she had a ugly smirk on her annoying seemingly punchable face "I know I could beat your ass but why waist my time. You aren't worth waisting anymore time on" I said back. She rolled her eyes "lets go Zo" she said walking down the hall with zoey starting to trail behind.

I stayed in my room all night. It was 4:19Am and I'm just sitting here thinking. I wonder where Noen is. I hope Chase is ok...idk how to help either of them, I don't have money to bail chase out and as much as my parents love him as if he were one of there own they won't help. They don't use the money they make for things like that. And I can't go check on Noen. As much as I want to I can't. He is most likely mad at me still. I need money. I need a job that pays hella good but how tf am I supposed to do that? I have no connections. My parents don't let me associate with the people they work with at all. Then it hit me. Fuck, Im gonna regret this.

I walked into school the next morning. I made sure to get there earlier then usual because I needed to speak to The Bitch Squad. Mainy Iggy. Yes, we hate each other but this is my only connection. You see, Iggy's father makes short horror films for a living, I've heard he pays his actresses hella good. So if I somehow talk Iggy into letting me talk with her father, I can possibly act for him. If this works out I'll have the money to help Chase by the end of the week. I walked into the cafeteria and saw the twins and Iggy sitting on the table. Iggy in the middle with one of the twins of either side of her, I wasn't that surprised when I saw Luna sitting across from them. They seemed to be making good conversation but that doesn't matter, Cuz now it's time to make real money.

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