Privacy (12)

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Im so gonna regret this but...
This chapter contains
Almost Smut

I pushed open my bedroom door and he walked passed me into the room. "Oh shit" I said as I started rummaging through the stuff on my desk "what's wrong?" Noen asked from my bed where he was seated "I need to go to the store" I was still looking through the stuff on my desk, looking for my keys. "Found them!" I said holding up my keys "you have a car!?" he half shouted, shocked "well...technically not mine, its Cole's old car buuuut i kinda stole the keys" I said looking down, trying not to laugh.

I started the engine "How many times have you-" he started but only to be cut off "I know how to drive, calm down" I laughed a little. I reached for the AUX cord and plugged my phone into it. I scrolled through my songs and clicked on my playlist titled "Recent Likes" and FWB by Brakence started to play through the old speakers of the car as I pulled out of the garage. (song above) I hummed along as the song played.

Lex's 'Recent Likes' playlist
° FWB -Brakence
° Dropout -Brakence
° Kiss Kiss -MGK
° Title Track -MGK
° 911 -Ellise
° STOP -Upsahl
° When the Flies Fell -Sub urban
° Notebook -Melanie Martinez

We pulled up to a huge thrift store just out of town. "I'm looking for a few things for my room but I though it would be sick if we picked out some outfits for each other" I said in more or a questioning tone "Oh really? Cool" He smiled, which I returned.

I opened the door to hear the little ding of the bell that hung above it. The slightly overwhelming sent of old candles that somewhat lost the smell hit me right in the face. I smiled "Imma grab a basket, you can look around if you want, just text me where you are if you need anything. I'll come get you as soon as I grab a few things"

I grabbed a cute little shelf, a little glass container with strawberrys on it, and a vintage rubber face rushton bunny. I was ready to pull out my phone when something caught my eye. A black sweater with blue flames on the bottom, there was like three of them so I decided I'd grab two. One for me and one for Noen.

 One for me and one for Noen

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I texted Noen Lex/Noen

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I texted Noen

Hey, Im done

oh hey Im by the front

"heyyy" I said walking up to him. He smiled "Well hello again" he said with a grin I smirked "ready to get some cool ass fits?...well I hope cool" he chuckled "Yeppers" I grabbed his hand and ran to the clothing racks. He smiled and I let go and started sorting through the clothes.

I tossed the bag of clothes in the back seat "Can we pleaaaase just show each other now?" Noen begged "Nope" I stuck my tongue out at him "ughhh" he shut the car door. I got in the driver's seat "Chill your tits you'll see them when we get home" I laughed.

We pulled up to my house. "you done pouting?" I asked as I pulled the key out of the engine "no" he said looking the other way, I smirked "Is someone trying not to laugh?" He shook his head "yeaah im sure" I unbuckled my seat belt and got out and grabbed my bags out of the car.

I just finished hanging my shelf up. "Hey ba- I mean Noen"  My cheeks instantly turned red, he smirked "yeah?" he asked "I- uh...what you wanna do now?" I asked sitting next to him. He shrugged "Movie?" I asked as I crossed my legs "sure" a smile slowly appeared on his face.

He sat with his back against the wall staring at the TV. I laid in front of him with my head on his legs. I wasn't really paying any attention to the Movie that was playing, I've seen it a million times anyway. My attention was focused on the boy above me, I looked up at him with a small grin. Admiring his features. I can't talk myself out of it anymore. Im falling for him, I just need to admit it to myself. His eyes shifted from one side of the screen to the other, he seemed to be loosing focus. Then his head slowly tipped down to face me. Once he had realized I was already looking at him a smirk came across his face. I wanted to look away. I was embarrassed, but I couldnt. I couldnt look away.

I have no clue what came over me but I propped myself up on my elbows and started to lean in. He looked confused for a second but then he realized and started to lean in too. When our lips collided I wanted to tell myself to stop. I wanted to tell myself it was a bad idea, but I couldnt. The kiss that was once intended to be short turned out into a heated make out session. He pulled me onto his laps so that I was straddling him.

not smut yet
He pulled away for a second as he reached for the bottom off my shirt. I pulled his hand away and started to pull my shirt up when there was a loud knock at the door. Cole. "Lex!" he yelled from the other side "What Cole" I said, clearly getting mad "What are you doing?" he asked in a way the annoyed me more "watching a movie, duh" I snapped back "well why is the door locked?" I rolled my eyes "Cuz if I left it unlocked you would barge in and yell at me for sitting to close to him or something" he groaned "w-" then I heard my mom from the other side "Cole Justin Bobbi! stop snooping on your sister" she yelled.


Well hello, I didnt know if yall wanted smut or not sooooo sorry.

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