The Runaway (5)

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I walked through the creaking doomed doors of the high school. Today out of all days was the day we had to go back. On a monday when my friends are all gone, why couldn't you just wait another day or two. Zoey Chase and Luna are all in NYC for two more days, I was supposed to go but after I got caught in my lie I wasn't allowed. Noen hasn't spoken to me since the night I slept over.

I tried to text him, I tried to call him, FaceTime, I even tried to come over...but no. He wants nothing to do with me

So I walk to first period alone. When I walk in I see my Bio teacher with the famous seating chart pulled up on the projector. Fuck. I hate when we get our seats resigned, he does it after every break.

I tried to walk straight passed him and to my usual seat but..."Ms. Bobbi. Where do you think you're going? The chart clearly says you sit over there" He said raising is voice, I stopped dead in my tracks and slowly turn around to see where he was pointing. In the Noen. "Which seat again?" I asked hoping he would forget and say somewhere else "Next to Noen" he replied in a much calmer manner. I sighed and made my way to the desk that was sat right next to Noen's

I was way too caught up in thought to pay attention in the class, but I still watched the teacher so he would atleast think I was listening. I saw Noen staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and whispered "what?" In a some what irritated tone. He looked at me for a few more seconds before saying "we need to talk. Meet me by the cafeteria doors after class?" Honestly I was happy he was talking to me again. I was also nervous and still upset at him for not talking to me for ignoring me for a week and a half.

The bell rang as the students flooded out the door. The teacher yelled things at us about studying for the big test coming up and blah blah blah. I walked towards the cafeteria, more like sped walked. As soon as I made around the corner I saw him. The light from the outside shined onto the wall in which Noen was standing against causing the light to hit him perfectly. I slowed down a little and walked to him. "Hey" I said awkwardly as he smiled "Hey Minion" he replied "Minion?" I asked and he nodded "Your last name is Bobbi, bob is the name of a minion..your insta is Lbob" he explained "oh yeah sorry I'm dumb" i said as i realized he laughed a lil.

It was like everything was back to normal. I walked through the doors of the school and outside. I usually walk home by myself so I was shocked when I saw Noen stood next to me. I looked up and smiled "oh hey" he smiled back.

We were walking down the road that leads to our houses when my brother's old silver hand-me-down car pulled up beside us "Lex what the hell are you doing?" He said still driving just slowly so he could keep up with us as we walked "I'm just talking to Noen. The real question is what the hell are you doing" I said still looking ahead. I looked over for a second and noticed Abell in the passenger seat "Cole, take her home. If you're gonna start something don't bring Abell into it again" I said now facing the car. He rolled his eyes and drove off.

I ran to the front door and waved "cya!" I yelled and walked inside. As soon as I turned the corner I saw My mom, My dad and my brother sitting at the table. They all had that look on there face..Im in trouble. Abell walked infront of the table with a spoon covered in peanut butter. She looked at me with the same look "what did I do?" I asked confused "sit down" My dad said as he leaned back in his chair. I slowly slid my bag off my shoulders and made my way to the table. "Cole told us" my mom said looking very disappointed "huh?" I was pretty sure I knew what she was talking about. My dad sighed "You've been hanging out with that creep from across the road" i shook my head "wha-" i was quickly cut off by cole standing up from his seat to yell "I told them ok? Im trying to protect you remember why we're here? Remember when he-" this time i cut him off "shut the fuck up" Abell put her hand over her mouth "oooh" she said walking the other way "LEX!" my mom yelled to which my dad followed up with "Ok, you're grounded. No Zoey, no Chase, no Luna and defiantly no Noen. Make that last one ever, now get to your room I'm sick of listening to you bitch at everybody"

Tears started to roll down my face but I instantly wiped them away and took off towards my room. Luckily they didn't take my phone. I threw my bag on the floor next to the bed and pulled out my phone

-Texts with Noen-

Can i come over?


Are you ok?

Not really. My dumbass
Brother told my parents
About me hanging out with
You and now they won't let
Me see Chase, Luna or Zoey
And im not supposed to
Talk to you at all but I
Cant do that so I wanted to
Leave. Atleast for a few

Damn. Won't they be
Pissed if you stay with

Yes but idc you're the
Only person i could go
To rn anyway

Not that i don't want
To be around you

Ok see you


I didn't have time to answer. I once again packed up my bags and headed to the window then my door knob started to turn. I threw my bags down and kicked them under the bed before jumping into my bed compleatly covering myself with my comforter. The door swung open to reveal Cole "hey sis" he said sitting on the edge of the bed "look im sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you it just scares me, seeing you with someone who you caught in your room, someone who watched you constantly. He used to wait outside your window every morning for you to wake up. Thats not o-" i sighed and pulled the edge of the blanket from under him "shh go im tired" i said turning the other way "ok whatever" he got up and walked out. I pulled the blanket off and ran to the door and locked it, then i grabbed my stuff and jumped out the window. I hurried across the road to Noen's front door.

He opened the door with a smile on his face and he pulled me into a hug "Ayeee runaway" he said jokingly. I rolled my eyes "hi Noen" I said backing out of the hug.

He opened the door to his bedroom. While we walked up to his room I noticed his house still wasn't fully furnished and there were still boxes in the living room and kitchen, also his parents wern't here...again. Weird.

(1250 words)

⛓𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓴𝓮𝓻⛓ ⁿᵒᵉⁿ ᵉᵘᵇᵃⁿᵏˢOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora