Chapter XXI

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Losing someone is the most devastating thing that anyone has to endure.

It makes you think about death as if death is the enemy when in actuality, it's not. Death is natural. What makes me upset is the unpredictability of it. You never know when it's going to happen or how. All I know is that one day, there won't be a one day. Just endless nothingness. This type of thinking can cause you to go into a deep depression. For me, I can feel it taking over my entire body. I feel the depressing thoughts overshadowing all of my happy thoughts. These dark thoughts are taking up space in my mind. I'm slowly fading into a place I may not be able to return from. Sometimes it feels like my mind is constantly going against me. I don't want to be unhappy, yet I am. I don't want to think these thoughts, yet I keep doing it. How am I battling my own mind? How do I control my own thoughts?

I'm just now starting to figure it out.

I need to accept things for what they truly are, instead of wondering why they're the way they are and being mad that they're not the way I want them to be. I can't control anything but myself. It starts with me. I have to be at peace with the world and all of the darkness that's inside it because there's more to it than darkness. There are some people who bring light to your life and when they leave, the best thing you can do is hold onto the memories and how they made you feel when they were alive. That's what I'm holding onto when it comes to my dad and now Michael.

I didn't have enough time with either one of them, but the time I did have is something I'll never forget.

It's been a few hours since the attack on Warner Valley.

After we found Chance, Skylar, Mr. Axel, and Penelope in the safe room, I passed out. The next thing I know, I'm waking up on a jet in Chance's lap. I was still holding on to Michael's helmet.

Bree told them how they fought off Red Eye and Shadow Ice. Bree also tells them about how I controlled Red Eye and made them leave. Mila and Bree then described the powers the attackers had. They let it be known that Shadow Ice is more dominant.

That's all I remember before I fell asleep again. I'm pretty sure they told everyone about Lavo, the person who sent them.

The next time I wake up, I'm in a hotel room I've never been in before. Chance is by my side the second my eyes open. I forget about the accusations that were once lurking in the back of my head about him and Bree. I'm just happy he's okay.

Chance starts to gives me an update on everything. I find out we left Lasso, and we're not in Hillcrest either. We left Virginia entirely and went to Washington D.C. This is where the SFA's headquarters are located. Mr. Axel thinks it's time to get closer to them, but not too close.

It's now nighttime, and I haven't seen my sisters. We're sharing a suite while Penelope and Skylar are sharing one, and Chance and Mr. Axel are sharing another one.

When Chance is about to leave, I ask him to send my sisters in. As I'm waiting for them to make their entrance, I remember something. I flip the covers and sheets off of me and look directly at my feet. There's nothing covering them. I don't have my socks on.

So, what happened to the junk drive that I hid there?

I start frantically throwing the sheets up, hoping that maybe I kicked my socks off while I was sleeping. As I'm shaking all of the covers, nothing is catching my eyes. I hop off of the bed to search for my shoes. When I go looking, I damn near trip over them. I get all bright eyed when I see that my socks are tucked in my shoes. I reach into both shoes and pull out the socks. I'm feeling around, but it's just the fabric of the socks. I open the sock to stick my hand in it even though I know it's not in there.

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