Chapter IX

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"What are we gonna do with her? And how did this even happen?"

"I don't know, but Chance said one moment she was fine and then the next thing he knew, he was flying through the door. Look at it, Mila! The door is in pieces. What the hell!"

"I know, I know! This is like what happened to us, but we all reacted differently. This shouldn't be such a surprise but we didn't do anything like this. I'm scared to get close. She could blow our asses away too.

"We have to do something. Chance is gonna be back from the store soon. And what are we gonna tell him?

I can sense them. I hear Bree and Mila. They're scared of me just like I was scared of them. This isn't a great feeling. I'm not a disease. I'm just not my normal self at the moment. Hell, I don't know if I'll ever be normal again. I should've been more considerate to their situation when it happened to them but that's easier said than done, especially when you're on the outside looking in. Now I'm on the inside with them. I should've known this was going to happen, but I didn't want to believe it. I'm not even sure if I did that to Chance, but anything could've happened.

How would I be able to do that? And why is it so painful? If this is what superheroes have to endure, then they deserve more credit than they already get.

In this very instant, I feel paralyzed. I can't move a muscle, my eyes won't open, and I can't speak. I hear everything though. I heard Chance call Bree. I heard when they entered his apartment. I heard their shocked reaction when they saw what happened to his bedroom door. I heard when they told him to go to the store because I was suffering from a major migraine. I heard when they told Chance they would tell him everything once he got back, much to my internal dismay. But between all of that, I kept blacking out.

"Bree, what if she's dead? Go check her pulse?"


My fingers start twitching and they feel like I have a bunch of needles stuck in them. I'm fearful of what I may do to her. I don't want to hurt her, and I also don't want what happened to Chance to happen to her.

She's inching closer to me. I hear her footsteps. They're low, and I can only imagine that they're so slow because she doesn't want to do anything that could potentially set me off. I want her to come closer. I don't want her to be scared because I would never try to hurt her. I understand her hesitation though.

I still have a headache, but it's not as intense as it was before. It's more bearable but still uncomfortable and completely unnecessary. Right now, I'm feeling incredibly weak. I'm sure this killer headache is the cause, and I want to get to the bottom of it. They need to take me to the hospital instead of trying to inspect me like they're doctors. They can't help me because they don't know what to do. I need to see a professional. They're too afraid to even come close to me. They're too afraid to even touch me.

Bree eventually makes her way to me and is now right beside me. I can hear her breathing. It's fast and shallow. She reaches for my hand and nothing happens. She lets out a deep breath relieved, as am I. As soon as she touches me, I get a weird feeling. I can't describe it but all I know is that the pain in my head is completely gone. I still don't make any move because I'm actually quite scared to face them even though I know they'll understand better than anyone. This situation is too freaky to even try to understand if I'm being truthful.

"She has a pulse."

Bree drops my hand very quickly, and I hear her shuffle back to the other side of the room.

Well at least I'm alive. I think to myself.

I decide that it's better to get our story straight before Chance gets back. There's no point in me laying here, not getting anything solved. So, I start to move my fingers. I hear Mila gasp. I slowly open my eyes and scan the room. I see both of my sisters leaning against the wall to my right. My vision is a little hazy but it soon clears up. I blink a few times to adjust to the light, before I try to sit up. Bree and Mila come rushing over to assist me, their fears apparently have vanished.

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